Average rating3.8
Actual Rating; 4,5
Hello, plottwists! I love these books so much and they should get more attention. The series is in my top3!
But I really love the relationship between Gwynneth and Gideon. They're so cute! This was my 3th or 4th reread. I didnt understand the sexual references the first few times. This time I got them all. Xemerius is a king in those :'). If there wasn't a xemerius in the books, then it would have been kinda boring! But needless to say that I love theses books!
A few points at the end were too convenient. I love that she didn't spell out each piece piece of the ending for us. She left us thinking at the end and putting some things together ourselves. The point of view, 1st person, stayed true throughout the whole series. I love that! It really adds another dimension to the story.
Fabulous series. I read the whole thing in less than a week. Books 2 and 3 I read in one sitting. Loved it!!
Ein gutes finale meiner meinung nach. Ich fand es einfach iconic wie sich gwendolyn, mr bernhard und ihre geschwister verschwören. Das ende ist satisfying aber ich habe irgendwie das gefühl dass die zeitreiseregeln nicht ganz konsequent sind.