Average rating3.5
one more book to go before i can start book 5!
The only reason I can not give a 5 star review is because I felt there was not ending, or cliffhanger, It did not have an ending. I loved watching how strong Eva and Gideon's relationship and love have grown throw out their time apart from Book 2. Slyvia Day wrote an amazing book; Corrine is still up to her usual to try to get Gideon, we see Brett in this book and we are introduced to more of Gideons past but through out it Eva is more secure and strong in their relationship. My only issue is that I hope we do not have to wait for Book 4 and Book 5 to come out because I have more questions. We see that Eva has come to terms with Nathan's death and the horrible things he did to her, with Gideon's help but I can also see that Gideon has to face his demons and can see why another book is needed. Did I mention Gideon's mother has took out the biatch claws yep...take a chance and read it their is no ending but you do see growth from the pair
I find this book pretty boring compared to the first two and my dislike for Eva grew immensely. Why wasn't the plotline with the rockstar tied up in this book? It made no sense she wanted to still be friends with him! If this was suppose to be the main source of tension in this book, it fell short. It was pretty lackluster. Coupled with the fact that nothing else new really happens... it was a bit of a dud for me.
Memasuki buku ketiga karakter Gideon & Eva semakin saling posesif, saling ketergantungan, saling cemburu yg berlebihan. Semua sikap itu sll saja excuse nya masa lalu mereka yg kelam, yg sama2 pernah mengalami sexual abuse dr org yg lebih tua. Eva mengalami sexual abuse dr mantan kakak tirinya sedang Gideon dr asisten dokter anak (konsultan) yg ketika masa kecilnya yg bermasalah, menangani kasus GIdeon.
Dan mengenai romance content nya (atau bisa dibilang sexual contentnya) udh bisa ditebak, gk spt buku pertama adalah sensasinya....