Average rating3.7
This was everything I needed after all my fantasy and paranormal reading. Everyone should have this on their TBR.
It was really cute and I really liked everything about this book! Would wanna re-read it during the summer again!
Just what I needed to fall in love with romance books!
The romance was sweet, but so many points off for the insensitive “twist” and treating medical issues as casual plot devices. Her second book was better.
Though parts of this book seemed a little far-fetched, overall I enjoyed the story. To me, Everything Everything wasn't a romance novel, but a story of a lonely girl who dreams of seeing the world, but is stuck inside her own home. Watching her try to live life for the first time, trying to decide if her life really is a life, throughout this book really broke my heart.
I still enjoyed the romance, however. In some reviews, people seem to complain a lot about how it's very instalovey, and I do agree with that. Usually, I despise a book that contains such a overused trope, but it worked for me in this book. Madeline has been isolated her entire life, and Olly was pretty much the first person her age she's ever met. Of course she's going to fall in love with him.
A solid 4 star book, but one I'd still recommend.
Unique story about a girl who essentially lives in a bubble because she is allergic to everything in the outside world. Maddy lives a monotonous life, the only people she sees being her mother and her nurse, until a boy moves in next door. They begin their relationship through emails and IMs, leaving Maddy to want more out of life than what may ever be possible for her. Maddy and Olly's relationship was sweet, and I was rooting for them to find a way to somehow be together despite their circumstances.
This book was a quick read and also has a lot of cute drawings throughout that added to the story. Highly recommend.
3.5 stars**
I liked this book very much, but its not my favorite. Not huge on romances personally
I enjoyed this book a lot. It was a cute and quick read. Perfect for summertime :)
In my opinion, it was a very average YA Sick lit. However, that's what I needed to cleanse my reading slump.
It was cheesy, predictable, and can I just say how low class of a crush Olly is? Really annoying and not much personality but I think that came from the fact that a good chunk of this book came from emails / IMs which does make it hard to develop a character. This won't be memorable.
I did have feelings for our MC Maddy. I enjoyed her personality enough and any of the naive parts of her can be justified considering she's living a literal sheltered life. So there's that.
Yoon's writing does not compel me enough to want to read her other book. However I feel like I potentially read the wrong of the two books (The Sun is Also A Star) Oh well.
Hard to believe that NO adult in this book cottoned on to what her Mother was up to. Not the nurse or the tutors. Not once in 18 yrs did social services check up. And if she had this insanely dangerous disease, why was she not under the care of dozens of doctors. NO ONE thought this was weird.
AND now shes 18 her mother is effectively holding her prisoner as an adult in her own house. Dumb.
And what was the point of Ollys family story? Literally nothing came from it. We didn't even find out if he and his Mum and sister escaped.
2 stars because I liked Maddy and Olly and their romance was sweet.
I finished this book last week and I'm still deciding how I feel about it. We've seen the premise before; a person is secluded, finds love, breaks the rules, loses love, but gets love back.
(Jake Gyllenhaal - Bubble Boy).
This story did have a nice twist, though.
Everything in the book is described perfectly - how white and clean and sterile. It's a great contrast to the description of Maddy's love interest, Olly. He wears all black, has a crazy amount of confidence, and can pretty much climb everything. When you're living at home and you only have contact with 2 people, anything can seem great.
I'm going to be honest - nothing in this story really stood out to me except the ending.
The fact that Maddy isn't actually sick but her mom is completely threw me off. Her mother has already lost her husband and her son and can't think about losing Maddy so she convinces herself that Maddy is sick. And she's a doctor! She's so deluded that she thinks she's done nothing wrong.
This brings up so many more questions and discussions about parents with mental illnesses. I wish the book focused more on that at the end instead of just having Maddy leave her behind.
Şi porneşte din nou.”
Aşa m-am simţit pe tot parcursul cărţii. Să spun că mi-a plăcut e aproape o minciună, pentru că am adorat cartea asta. Deşi am auzit numai lucruri de bine despre ea, am deschis-o cu puţină neîncredere. Sufeream de un reading slump îngrozitor, nimic nu mi se părea potrivit, dar apoi am luat cartea asta în mână şi n-am mai vrut să o mai pun jos. M-au fascinat efectiv, pe lângă poveste, şi personajele, care mi s-au părut atât de vii, atât de autentice. Trebuie să recunosc că uneori mi se păreau anumite gesturi făcute de protagonistă, Maddy, puţin exagerate, dar luând în considerare felul în care a fost crescută, nici nu are rost să îi critic deciziile. Olly, care e al nostru love interest în povestea asta, a fost cel despre care încă mă întreb dacă mie mi-a plăcut, sau e doar influenţa persoanei întâi din naraţiune. Totuşi, luat per ansamblu, da, au fost momente în care suspinam dramatic şi visătoare de fiecare dată când cei doi interacţionau şi mi-a plăcut cu adevărat relaţia lor. Cartea m-a captivat atât de tare încât citeam oriunde şi oricând apucam. M-a scos din reading slump şi mi-a reamintit cât de mult înseamnă puterea cuvintelor, cât de multe poţi învăţa din greşeli şi, mai ales, că viaţa e un dar şi trebuie trăită.
Să nu mai zic de citate, pline de expresivitate, care mi-au plăcut şi acestea enorm, făcându-mă chiar să revin la ele după terminarea unui capitol şi să le notez.
“Atenţie, spoiler: Dragostea înseamnă totul. Totul. “
Finalul cărţii este unul la fel de frumos pe cât mă aşteptam, deşi am stat cu sufletul la gură pe tot parcursul cărţii şi în acelaşi timp intuiam cam ce se va întâmpla, înşelându-mă de câteva ori. M-a lăsat cu zâmbetul pe buze şi cu speranţa că, indiferent de ce îi rezervă viitorul, Maddy îşi va trăi viaţa în felul ei şi va profita din plin de aceasta, deoarece o merită şi mă simt oarecum apropiată de acest personaj.
În cele din urmă, pentru mine a fost o lectură sfâşietoare, amuzantă exact când simţeai nevoia de aşa ceva, o poveste incredebilă despre minciună, libertate, încredere, tragedie şi, evident, dragoste. Pentru că dragostea este totul.
“La început, a fost nimicul. Iar apoi a fost tot.”
It was a unique experience to find this book and read it while under a stay-at-home order due to a global pandemic. I didn't realize this was a YA novel at first though, which led to some dislike. I usually like YA novels but I was judging the book as an adult novel. I liked it better after I realized my mistake, except I found it a little too unbelievable that they actually go to Hawaii.
I will be honest, I read this book start to finish in one day. There were parts where I just couldn't stop reading because I wanted to know what would happen. I really enjoyed reading the storyline and getting to know Olly and Maddy. I definitely wish that when I was 18 years old I knew a boy like Olly! Although I have to say that is one criticism that I have of this book, I don't believe that boy's like Olly actually exist at the age of 18 years old! He was so sweet, thoughtful, sure of himself and his love for Maddy, and very mature. So I struggled to read the book and relate to a world in which a character like Olly would exist.
Other than that I loved the storyline and the author's writing. Maddy was funny and quirky and relatable. I did wonder which direction the story would go, I wouldn't say it was predictable, but I wasn't sure whether it would have a happy or sad ending. There seemed to be only two ways for the book to end. And I will say that when I read the last part of the book I was actually disappointed there wasn't more to the story of Olly and Maddy. I was left wanting more!
Definitely worth reading if you like sweet YA love stories.
hay muy pocos libros que en realidad pueden expresar lo que es para algunos leer, ese escape de la realidad. La necesidad de escapar de la realidad.
Me gustó todo, todo.
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Este libro es una Aventura, no una de viajes y misterios sino mas bien una Aventura Emocional. la forma en la que esta escrito te atrapa, a tal punto que no quieres dejar de leer.
2.5 stars God, I saw the ending coming from miles and miles away... Sort of a let down tbh, but if it weren't for that, it's a quick, fluffy contemporary.
More like 3.5 stars. Although this book is wonderful I didn't connect with it like I though I would have.
I liked this! Sweet, nostalgic, and introspective are a few words I'd tack onto it. Unpredictable it is not. You don't have to be a genius to see where this story is going from the synopsis. But that's okay! I enjoyed the ride.
This book is in the John Green vein, but with one clear distinction: the characters (for the most part) talk like real people, not trendy smug philosophers. It has the sweet wistfulness of a John Green book. Is it stereotypical? A little. Is there obvious symbolism? Yes. Is it still a good book? Yes!
The characters are likable; the story is compelling. I liked the romance quite a lot. It's written sweetly and intelligently, taking note of the little things in a young person's experience. This book makes me want to read–is that weird to say?
My biggest complaint is the writing: Yoon slipped into the “tell, don't show” category more than once. She was trying to cram quite a lot of happenings into a small amount of space. There wasn't enough room for feelings to be felt by the reader. The introduction of emotion in the main character is rushed at times. Look, if I'm going to read a story about a girl who has been cloistered for eighteen years, I want to really experience it. For example, surely she has some social hang-ups, having only been in the presence of a few people in her life? Why is Maddy so perfect in this story? Why is she so composed, intelligent, and articulate? She doesn't even really struggle with her illness much. Olly serves as the catalyst for her yearning to escape the bubble. Before that, though, she doesn't seem to struggle with any character flaw. The only thing I can point to is her complete lack of regard for how a credit card works. Because, wow. :P
I will commend Yoon on her use of illustration and non-traditional text in the story. She includes emails, tickets, receipts, drawings, and notes, which I thought gave the story more style and character where a paragraph of text may not have had much punch. Who doesn't like to look at pictures? :)
I'd totally recommend this! Like I said, it's sweet and romantic. I like how it deals with illness and relationships between people.