Average rating3.5
4 stars I'm usually not into tropey novels, but I'm glad I gave this one a chance because it was pretty good! The characters were likeable and I loved Pari's mom. I was kinda meh about the added drama (Rachel is a ~recovering anorexic), I was scared it would overtake the story but it was handled well. The only real thing that irked me was the overused of the word ‘pussy' in the sex scenes.
I really like this book.
Sweet and short. Totally recommended.
I suffer a bit with the thought of the main character. All the self pity made me feel bad. she was being too hard on herself (but that's probably the point)
Tho one thing I didn't understand it why Pari suddenly kissed her after Rachael went to search for clothes at their room. I got kinda lost there