Average rating3
“Do as you're told”? Oh, fuck off, Christian Grey. Also with the constant Mr. and Mrs. and the throwing screaming swearing fits over your wife not wanting to change her name at work and ... good lord. I guess those two deserve each other.
I wanted to like this series since the majority of my friends do but I just couldn't. I'd give the series 2.5 stars. I'm disappointed because I feel like 50 Shades has the potential to be a good story if it wasn't for the terrible writing and repetitive dialogue and blatant similarities to Twilight. Hopefully they can make the movies better.
I am not sure why I decided to read these books again. but I feel as though I enjoyed them so much more the second time around. I was gifted the 4th book and I think I can actually start it now. I am not saying E.L James is this amazing author shes good at her craft, and personally I dont know if writing the 4th book is even needed but we shall see.
Por fin doy por terminada es trilogía/saga, como quieran llamarla.
Sinceramente, el libro no me gustado, tiene “sus momentos” pero nada del otro mundo, cosas que puedes encontrar en cualquier rosa o romántico, cosas demasiado copiadas o basadas en el libro original, recordemos que esto es un Fic.
Más allá de la historia, quiero opinar sobre la manera en la que está escrita.
Una historia, por más simple que sea, mientras tenga una narración rica, sin caer en las mismas muletillas, una y otra vez. Exagerando las “palabras clave” del personaje, hace que cualquier historia te atrape.
La trilogía 50 shades es todo lo mismo: “Vaca sagrada” “Santa mierda jodida” “Sr/Sra Grey”. Esto último se supone debe gustar, se supone también que es un juego de palabras cariñoso entre parejas, pero solo es exasperante.
En conclusión, unos libros que no son nada del otro mundo, solo mucho escándalo y nada de bueno.
Sado? pffff No.
Se pone rosa desde la mitad del primero, y la otra mitad que “si lo es”, esta muy mal hecho.
Really surprised
This never was my type of book trilogy, but my taste is so eclectic anyway so I gave it a shot. I'm glad I did. I felt the ending was rushed and didn't particularly enjoy the part with Teddy in the meadow walking back to the big house. That seemed very odd and out of sync. I did enjoy the trilogy and this last book, though.
It was good overall. There has been a lot of development from the first book in terms of Ana and Christian's relationship. It's not by any means perfect but it was okay. It got more interesting towards the end with all the mysteries and betrayal.
It was a good conclusion for an okay series.
I feel like this last book wasn't really necessary, James could have definitely ended the series at two books. However, this book did provide insight into Christian's past, I just could have done without the incessant smut–it just made the story drag on and on. The writing was the same as the first two books, becoming almost annoying repetitive at times.
I don't know what to think of this trilogy, part of me likes it and the other part of me is wondering why I ever decided to read it...
Not a bad ending to the series but not a good one either. I found myself skimming through the sex scenes and searching for the plot within this book. I thought most of the events were far too predictable and in the end Ana and Christian weren't people I was rooting for. This wrapped up way too nicely in the end and it just left me wanting for more...something.
I think this was my favorite of the trilogy, but I still didn't like it that much? In this one we see Ana calling Christian out on his bullshit way harder than the first two, which is good. Christian is seriously such a weird character. It makes much more sense for him to be a teenage psychic vampire than for him to be this deeply upsetting human adult. You heard me.
Also I'd like to add Ana to the list of “fictional characters who really should have considered an abortion.” Whatever! Things happened in this book! There were some pretty good sex scenes! They all lived happily ever after probably!
If I could give this zero stars, I would. The book was unbearable and I couldn't bring myself to finishing it.
Short Review: The thriller parts this final book give it a place to move around. It is not just about Ana and Christian. There is an area of conflict for the book that draws them together instead of drawing them apart.
Over all, while I have some reservations recommending these books because of the overt sexuality, the story line and story telling is quite good. And the epilogue at the end, telling some of Christian's back story and part of the the story from Christian's perspective was a nice little addition.
My full review (with some thoughts about whether this series is just porn for women) is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/fifty-shades-freed-by-el-james/
She had to vomit because she's pregnant with some crazy toxic dudes baby, I had to vomit because of how bad the book was.
All I can really say about this one is... it was perfect. It was the perfect way to end this trilogy.
I've been consumed by this sad, exciting, intoxicating love story. yes, I enjoyed the ride more for the love story than the red playroom voyeurism...and now the ride is over...