Average rating3.7
Meu Deus, nem sei por onde começar... Decidi acabar de ler esta saga e devia ter ficado pelo 3º livro, porque este foi escrito completamente a pressa sem necessidade nenhuma. Primeiro, a personagem pricipal perdeu-se na sua vida, tipo ela tem uma guerra para liderar e em vez disso está obsecada com o namorado... A sério?
Senti que metade do livro, foi uma seca enquanto outra metade demasiado rápida, ficando sem perceber muito bem onde e quando é que o livro tinha mudado e que rumo estava a ter. Outra coisa que me encomodou foi aparecimento de personagens que tinham imenso potencial para envolverem-se na história, em vez disso, foram despachadas em dois capítulos! Achei que o vilão foi óbvio e que havia muitos buracos na história...
Julgo que isso aconteceu porque a escritora fizesse tudo à pressa e em vez de explorar mais a história justificou-se sempre com o mesmo argumento para tudo “ah e tal, cenas demoníacas, porque sim, porque não me apetece explicar mais”.
Desiludiu-me imenso, porque realmente estava a espera de algo mais, pois a história tinha imenso potencial.
First I must say that I am sad to see this series end, but I have enjoyed it every step of the way. I have been enamored with Patch since we were first introduced to this charismatic and mysterious character in Hush, Hush. I have also loved Becca Fitzpatrick's ability to surprise me. Most books I read I can predict the ending, but I've never been able to predict hers which I admire greatly. In Fitzpatrick's last installment of her series, she doesn't disappoint. I was glued to my seat the whole time, and I read the book in only a day. I felt that Nora's character developed a lot throughout the book and by the end I felt that she was a much stronger person than she was in the first novel. Patch continued to steal my heart with his witty/sexual comments, his strength, and most of all his absolute love and dedication to Nora. Scott was in this novel as well, but I would have liked to see him more in the middle of the novel. However, he is still there and is especially important at the end, so don't worry fans of Scott! We also found out a secret about Vee that I never saw coming, so again bravo to you Becca Fitzpatrick you shocked me once again. The plot line of the story was well-paced and kept me interested the whole time. The ending of story was epic (once again I couldn't predict what was going to happen which made it so much better) and I even started tearing up since I have become so attached to these characters. However, it had a very satisfying ending and left me as a reader feeling happy for the characters. If you have any doubts about reading the last book of this series I must insist that you read it! It was absolutely fantastic
¿Siempre habían sido así de densos los libros de Becca?
La saga/serie (elige el que más te guste) es una de las primeras que leí y dado el tiempo de la publicación entre libro y libro, no recuerdo exactamente mi grado de fascinación.
Lee la reseña completa en: link: El Extraño Gato del Cuento
I was scared shitless that this book would end badly, like those endings where 20% is good and 80% is bad, and with about 20 pages left I was severely concerned. But, thankfully I got what I wanted. It was a good ending albeit not 100% good (one person's death left me severely scarred) but otherwise it made me happy. And while there were an uncountable amount of times where I wanted to scream and kill the protagonist, there was an explanation for my wanting to rip her head off, and yeah, idk, man, it was pretty well flushed out tbh and I enjoyed it!
Time was up. Either we got the feathers–Or the Nephilim race would lose more than the war. They'd be in bondage to fallen angels for eternity.Following the events from [b:Silence 10637766 Silence (Hush, Hush, #3) Becca Fitzpatrick https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1362408152l/10637766.SY75.jpg 14158688], Nora Grey has to adjust to her new life as a Nephil and the heir to the Black Hand. After swearing an oath to Hank Green, Nora is now the leader of the Nephilim army and will have to figure out how to free all Nephilim from being used as a vassal during Cheshvan. Trust. Betrayal. Fear.I felt as though this book had too many plot twists. Usually, the author writes details throughout the entirety of the book that leads up to one BIG plot twist, but with this book, there was a plot twist every few chapters. I would be lying if I said I wasn't shocked at these plot twists, but I felt as though they were too often. I suppose the last plot twist was the most anticipated one. A lot of readers are here for Patch, so when we watch the scenes unfold and find out he was sent to hell forever, I'm sure that was the last thing we wanted and/or expected. Now, I've never experienced love before so I have no idea how it feels, but Nora was so dramatic when it came to Patch that I had to stop and sit for a minute every time she said she couldn't live without him. Queen, you met less than a year ago... But I know if I was put in this position with Sirius Black, I would feel the same way.I found the training sessions with Dante to be quite boring and useless to the story, but as I think about it, it was to convince the readers that he could be trusted. When I got to the cemetery scene, I just knew it was going to be Dante. Someone we all trusted. When we got to the war scene, I was honestly very stressed. We had just found out Vee was also Nephil. Which, in my opinion, was very unnecessary. But I still didn't want anything to happen to her. But then Scott made a beautiful sacrifice for Nora. WE LOVE YOU SCOTT!! And then we find out Patch is alive!!! YIPPEE!! Detective Basil told Nora to cut her arm and I was like?? But then Nora and Patch made an oath to each other and mix their blood and guess what... PATCH CAN FEEL! Now they can kiss and hug and do all the other things teens do and it won't be one-sided. In the Epilogue, we see Vee getting married and being happy. But what killed me was: “Your mom told me Marcie died a couple months ago.”“She lived longer than anyone expected.”HELP?!?!?! THAT MADE ME LAUGH...Patch and Nora got a happy ending <3
Me parece que no estuvo bien realizado, desde el cambio en la forma de contar la historia hasta el como se desarrollaron muchas cosas.
Menos culebron que el anterior.