Average rating3.9
I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Alright I absolutely loved this book. I went into it knowing exactly what it is which is a gender bent Counte of Monte Christo retelling with magical elements and man did it deliver. The writing was beautiful, the emotions, the betrayal, the struggle of remembering what was and trying to piece together the aftermath. It gripped me and held my focus in a way few books have recently. This book is about the exchange of power and anger and how having more of it could lead you down the same path of those you hated the most.
There is a lot of love in this book as well, whether familial, romantic, friendship and all the ways it can get twisted and used against you. I loved the characters and their dimensions. The duality of characters as the story progresses really were dynamic as I had to change my pov of who they were and how I felt about them. I ended up feeling pity for some of the characters I thought were minor and could do no wrong and some that I hated and was supporting her revenge. I highly suggest everyone pick up this book!
4/5 Stars!
In “For She Is Wrath,” Emily Varga presents an engaging gender-swapped fantasy retelling of “The Count of Monte Cristo” (one of my favourite books). The story follows Dania, who is wrongfully imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. After spending a year being tortured and plotting her escape, she finally manages to get out with help from a fellow prisoner. Together, they track down a hidden trove of djinn magic, which sets the stage for Dania's carefully planned revenge against those who betrayed her, including Mazin, the boy she once loved (and maybe still loves, despite her righteous anger).
Varga's storytelling prowess is shown through her excellent prose, her fierce heroine, and the magic system she creates. The whole book is filled with emotional depth from the very beginning. Dania is a strong protagonist - smart, determined, and tough, but not a ‘pick me'. The complex relationship between Dania and Mazin adds a layer of tension to this story of vengeance, drawing readers into their emotional dynamic.
The rich fantasy world-building draws upon Pakistani lore and culture, skillfully blending these elements into a magic system that mirrors the characters' emotional journeys. This connection adds significance to every display of power, heightening the stakes throughout the narrative.
While I found the pacing slows a little in the middle, the final act makes up for it with exciting twists and satisfying emotional resolutions. One small note: some dialogue in fast-paced scenes could be more clearly noted to help distinguish the speaker more effectively, some sections I had to reread to be sure.
This enchanting YA fantasy is perfect for readers who enjoy strong heroines, innovative magic systems, and narratives that thoughtfully explore the complexities of power and revenge. Varga's debut is an exhilarating start, establishing her as a talented author to keep an eye on in the fantasy genre.
I listened to the audiobook version, which was very captivating. I feel the narrator did very well with distinctive voices, and was a good fit for the story as well.
Thank you to Macmillan UK Audio and NetGalley for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review.
Ini adalah novel fantasi debut YA yang menggabungkan unsur balas dendam, romansa, dan sihir gelap dalam dunia yang terinspirasi dari budaya Pakistan. Ceritanya tentang Dania, seorang anak dari pembuat senjata yang dikhianati dan dipenjara secara tidak adil.
Takdir mempertemukan Dania dengan Noor di penjara. Bersama mereka berhasil melarikan diri dari penjara untuk membalas dendam pada orang-orang yang mengkhianatinya. Untuk Dania, termasuk mantan kekasihnya, Mazin.
Premisnya cukup menarik, karenanya aku mencoba membaca novel debut ini. Kurasa untuk penggemar fantasi boleh memberi novel debut ini kesempatan.
The parallels between this and the Count of Monte Cristo are really strong for the first half. Then it takes off in more of it's own direction. I thought it was a perfect balance between retelling and new story. At the beginning, I was all for Dania and her revenge. Then somewhere in the middle my feelings begin to get muddled and by the end I was on her side again. I thought it was an emotional ride through the story. I liked the revenge, the magic, and the emotional growth. The reveals at the end got a little muddled, but I enjoyed them.
Revenge is the name of the game. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it in For She is Wrath.
I received a free copy of this book, and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.