For We Are Many
10 • 320 pages


Average rating4.2

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dang man, you didn't have to hurt me like that.

October 25, 2022
December 17, 2017

Yup, still good! If you like the first book, this is more of that! A bit more of an emotional story compared to the first book, and it sets the stage for the last installment quite well.

January 26, 2019

Fast read.

July 22, 2018

Another great fun (and funny) adventure. How good is it? Well I'm going straight on to the third in the series, so pretty good.

March 6, 2019
December 6, 2022
Jamie RevellSupporter
April 21, 2020

Good road trip book

Enjoyed it more at the end. The found the begging a bit slow but enjoyed it more as the various story line progressed. Excited about the showdown with the Others.

April 13, 2018

Another good book in the Bobverse series. The Bob's proliferate, there is first contact, there are problems to solve, there is combat, the Bob's learn more about the xenophobic “Others”, and the stage is set for the next phase of the story.
Good space opera.

February 13, 2018

This could very well have been the second half of the previous book as it starts off just as the other finished. Great story and concepts again, I couldn't put it down.

January 25, 2019

Just as good as the first one Just the kind of big science, big space adventures that I like.
Even more in this one, there is a thing that makes me yell, “OMG! Galactus!”.
If you liked the first one, you'll like this,

February 14, 2021

Way too many Bobs for me to keep track of, or how much time has gone by from the beginning to the end but I found this just as enjoyable as the first.

January 9, 2019

Whilst (like Game of Thrones) the growing cast (of Bob's) makes it increasingly difficult to work out who is who, the underlying authenticity of the story lines makes this series and this sequel feel more compelling that the first. Looking forward to the next book in the series

June 11, 2017
October 12, 2017

3.5 stars!!!

February 29, 2024
January 31, 2022

We play baseball

January 2, 2024
June 5, 2017

Originally posted at

November 7, 2022

Das Novum ist weg, Universum etabliert, Überraschungen werden weniger, aber immer noch ganz unterhaltsam gewesen. Minimal weniger spannend als Buch 1, ich geh wohl direkt zu Buch 3.

July 26, 2021
May 27, 2024

This series has a very unique concept but the stories are just ok.

May 26, 2018
September 4, 2017

A good second entry; quality is about the same, though this book was definitely a bit more melancholy. Much like Lord of the Rings, this feels like one bigger book split into 3 than 3 books separated – but that's not a bad thing.

May 10, 2023

Every bit as good as the first, maybe better.

April 21, 2017