Average rating3
Adam Kent is a considerably less interesting character than Juliette Ferrars and Aaron Warner, the other narrators in the [b:Shatter Me 10429045 Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) Tahereh Mafi https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1387338589s/10429045.jpg 15333458] series. Nonetheless, I felt the need to read this just because sometimes I feel like I need Tahereh Mafi's words in my life and her Twitter isn't always enough. Unfortunately, there isn't much here. The majority of the action is a rehash of what went on in [b:Unravel Me 13104080 Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2) Tahereh Mafi https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1340287622s/13104080.jpg 18276967], just from Adam's perspective, and his point of view is less than illuminating. I'll give her one thing, Mafi is definitely committed to giving her characters distinctive voices. But Fracture Me is so much more simply written than the other books and novella that Adam comes off as kind of a meathead. Not to mention he speaks of Juliette in a rather patronizing way. To be honest, I really shouldn't be suprised. They two of them really don't know each other that well, and they're behavior around eachother kind of backs up this point of view. This is lust, totally understandable and affectionate lust, but it's not love. Hate to admit it, but Juliette and Warner have far more in common, not to mention Warner actually seems to respect her as a person and her abilities. In what upside-down universe am I actually making the argument for the “bad boy”?Writing action is also clearly not Mafi's strong suit, as she plows through moments of suspense and violence with an air of “Please get me out of here so I can write some angst instead.” Being that action is the majority of this novella, I'm really curious as to what possessed her to write it. She was at her best form in [b:Destroy Me 13623150 Destroy Me (Shatter Me, #1.5) Tahereh Mafi https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1340398466s/13623150.jpg 19226840] (I really should have given that a higher rating, but I have a hard time giving what is essentially an interlude anything higher than three stars), where the prose was still beautiful, but more refined and controlled than it is in Juliette's books.I don't blame anyone for being curious about this, but this is not worth the $2.99, not even for the three chapters of [b:Ignite Me 13188676 Ignite Me (Shatter Me, #3) Tahereh Mafi https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1375972497s/13188676.jpg 18369706] that come with it. You're better off just waiting for February like I should have.
Okay then. Let's go get our girl back." "My girl," I correct him. "She's my girl." Kenji snorts as we head in the direction of the compounds. "Right. Minus the part where she's not actually your girl. Not anymore." "Shut up." "Uh-huh." "Whatever.
So this is what it was actually written in this novella: Bla bla, bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla bla. I couldn't care less about “Addie”. He's dry and dull. He shed his apparent sweet nature as soon as he was dumped. I get that he had to save his brother, I would've done the same thing, but he shows no initiative in rescuing Juliette even after he finds James unharmed. Yet he claimed he loved her. Yeah, right. Anyways, lame character from beginning to end.
I just really dislike Adam still.
4 stars just because i dislike Adam, and because they were sleeping when s*it went down
1.25/5 ⭐
Adam is so whiny and annoying and thinks way too highly of himself. The book pissed me off and it was mostly just the same scenes over again with nothing added but a headache. I know that we're not supposed to like him but still. Why does he think that he's better than everyone? He sounds like he hates Juliette. And he's supposed to be in love with her so like?????
Stars are for James and Kenji. Fuck Adam for basically not even caring abt Juliette in this. Never liked this man
I loved Adam in the first 2 books, but having a book/novella in his perspective has ruined him in my opinion.
The story had a lot of potential and maybe if there was an alternate version of book 2 (unravel me) In his perspective I would have enjoyed it more. but this felt super repetitive to the last part of unravel me and just made adam unlikable
oh btw the five stars are because it's in adam's POV but i don't forgive the set up for him in this novella
I don't like Adam. Enough said.
However I'm gonna say a little more. The first part of this was the worst. Is it just me or is the exact same scene just from a different perspective super boring? Cause that's what I was feeling the first like... 7 chapters.
After that it was kind of interesting seeing what REALLY happened (I read the first three chapters of Ignite Me before remembering I owned this novella that came before). I just wish it was from someone else's perspective. (cough Kenji cough). The only redeemable Adam quality is his love for James. And just when I was starting to think MAYBE he's not so bad, I hated him again.
Ugh, I just finished reading Fracture Me by [a:Tahereh Mafi|4637539|Tahereh Mafi|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] and I am SO MAD.
rating - 3/5
the way destroy me , makes the reader root for Aaron by showing us his thoughts and pov; fracture me does exactly that with adam's pov except we're still rooting for Aaron.
I didn't love Adam and Juliette together; but I didn't really dislike him.
not so sure i can say that now, i guess.
I get why he wouldn't want to endanger his life or his brother's. That I'm kinda willing to let go (imagine warner being in this situation though. he would literally do everything to save Juliette)
The weakling thing though?? not okay sir. she's crushing bricks and causing earthquakes and your stupid blocking power ass thinks SHE's the weakling? T_T
cruisin my way through these books like there's no tomorrow. on to ignite me<3