Average rating4.2
Ok first off Dresden Files books are by far the best urban fantasy I have ever read just awesome.
If you have read the first 12 books then you know that Harry was killed and the end of the last book changes, if you are reading this now and have not read this far, I marked it spoilers so no complaining lol
I knew going into the Dresden files after reading changes Harry was not really dead because with how changes ended and the next book being Ghost Story I knew that it had to do with Harry being a ghost so no surprise there. But in any case Harry is sent back as a ghost to the mortal realm to save his friends, or so he thinks anyway but finds himself unable to use his magical powers and he must re-learn how to use magic in his ghost form and spends his time running from the sun and haunting his friends.
Like so many Dresden books this is a non stop read that kept my interested constantly through the book. From demented insane wraiths, to canabalistic ghost, to soul eating our nemesis corpsetaker a demonic ghost that possesses wizards to gain power.
at one point the book did hint at Harry getting his body back so I expected that to happen but honestly not the way it actually did, I thought that he would somehow find his body, perhaps his friends retrieved it and he was put in cold storage or something and he basically repossesses his body and comes back to life, but that is not how it happened, after all he is the winter knight so it could not be that simple right?
anyway how it happens is awesome and I just loved this book all around, anything Dresden at this point is awesome! I look forward to the next one