Average rating4.2
This gets an extra star for the brillIant issue told from the perspective of Lucky the Pizza Dog.
This was a fun read with a few unique stories / presentations, but nothing really unexpected after reading the first volume. I'm still enjoying this series for sure though so I will definitely finish all 4 volumes.
A continuation from the Hawkeye series written by Matt Fraction and it's seriously seriously seriously seriously good. The story getting deeper and more personal with lots of humor and cameos from other Avenger members (shout-out to Iron-Man, Wolvie and Spidey) and that's what makes it worth to read.
David Aja's art in this book is worth to look for because of it's minimalistic style that can be stylish at times (simplicity ftw) and also accompanied by Matt's Hollingsworth minimalist color palette makes it a must read.
Great stuff. Fraction realizes that the idea of Hawkeye as an Avenger-type superhero is kind of ridiculous, and he runs with that idea, telling a story that works on a dramatic level, but also refuses to take itself seriously. Because if you take yourself to seriously, you'll never make it out alive. Bro.
Also, Aja's artwork is phenomenal. Future generations of artists are going to study this stuff, the same way they do Steranko's Nick Fury, or Gibbon's Watchmen.
2021: 4 stars Fraction's Hawkeye is the best Hawkeye. Kate B (about Clint): “He's...like, a human car-crash. And I just have to watch it happen again and again. It's depressing. He depresses me.”
Like it's predecessor, I enjoyed the second collection of Hawkeye comics from Fraction, et al, although I'm not as over-the-moon about this series as everyone else seems to be.
On the whole, I thought this was a stronger collection, with better stories – although part of that might just be me growing more comfortable with this particular style.
The only negative I have to say about this is that I'm not crazy about having to wait until 2014 for Vol. 3.
Oh, incidentally, I just have to say: The issue from Pizza Dog's point of view was utterly fantastic.
Bro. What's the point of me reviewing Hawkeye, bro? Why aren't you already reading it, bro? Bro. BRO. Read it.
Focousing more on Barton's relationships, with his neighbor, other avengers, women from his past and present, and concluding it with the best Lucky aka THE PIZZA DOG.
This time i liked the guest artist - Francesco Francavilla - his work was excellent and fit the story. The timing was also good unlike what they did with the previous one.