Average rating3.6
I enjoy any of Herbert's Dune books, and this is no exception. The focus on the Bene Gesserit this book is a great follow up to God Emperor. Without spoiling anything, the main plot line on Rakis seems to lack in the importance of the overall story. Additionally, it seemed like Herbert got caught up in fleshing out the story that the last few chapters are full of the resolutions for each thread of the story. As a result, the pacing at the end suffered but not enough for me to enjoy the book. Characters are particularly great in this book. I already look forward to Chapterhouse.
Il m'a fallu du temps pour lire en entier ce cinquième volet de la monumentale saga Dune de Frank Herbert. Je crois que j'avais déjà essayé de le lire deux fois, sans parvenir à le terminer. Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi j'avais renoncé car cette troisième tentative m'a donné le sentiment de lire un récit bien construit et passionnant, moins complexe à aborder que le quatrième volet, L'Empereur-Dieu de Dune. Tout n'est pas toujours très clair, mais les personnages et le récit m'ont vraiment plu. Il ne me reste plus qu'à lire le sixième volet de la saga originale avant d'envisager lire ou relire les romans publiés ensuite par le fils de Frank Herbert.
Intre Children of Dune si God Emperor of Dune, time gap.
Intre God Emperor of Dune si Heretics of Dune, timp gap.
Prima data m-a deranjat deoarece in fiecare carte apar personaje noi pe care le vedem doar in acea carte, dar ca sa dezvolti universul acesta, iti trebuie acesti ani lipsa. Herbert nu a dezamagit nici aici, iar la cum se termina cartea... phew, abia astept sa incep Chapterhouse: Dune.
Le début du livre est assez difficile à lire car on repart à nouveau presque de zéro. Nouveaux personnages, nouvelles factions, nouveau tout.
Mais une fois les choses mises en place, l'histoire est plaisante à lire même si elle appelle à une suite et qu'elle ne se suffit donc pas tout à fait à elle-même.
The beginning of the book is quite difficult to read because we start again almost from zero. New characters, new factions, new everything.
But once things are set in place, the story is fun to read even if it calls for a sequel and is therefore not quite self-sufficient.
Finalizamos y tengo algo claro, nunca perderán la esencia de lo que Dune es, pero cada libro es muy diferente al anterior y este aunque me ha gustado bastante, me perdió varias veces de atención.
Siento que en algunos casos alarga momentos innecesarios y los momentos relevantes son cortos y sin mayor detalle, dejándote con propias conjeturas.
Puedo decir que hasta ahora sucedió algo de gran magnitud desde los 4 anteriores y me ha encantado.
Heretics of Dune reinvogorated me. The conflict between the Bene Gesserit and the Honored Matres was interesting, Miles Teg and Darwe Odrade were great characters, and the scope felt epic again. Great ending, some interesting twists, and strong characters helped this one be one of my favorites.
After the series high that was God Emperor, this feels like a new low. It’s comparable to Children, but much much worse as the plotting is so convoluted and none of the characters really stand out. Good as a sleep aid though as it took me months to finish reading because I’d feel asleep within minutes of starting a chapter!
Contains spoilers
Another book with a very different feel from the first trilogy. I enjoyed the characters and intrigue in the first half of the book as the plan began to take shape and was set into motion, but I preferred the second half as the Honored Matres made their move and it became a race for all the pieces to fall into place. I was a little disappointed or confused at the reveal of the plan at the end, and am wondering if Chapterhouse will help.
This book was a chore. Hands down my least favorite of the bunch. Here's hoping Chapterhouse is much better.