Average rating4
I actually got this ARC a long time ago and was very interested too, especially with all the great reviews, but the subject matter seemed very intense and I wasn't ready for it. Imagine my surprise when I pick it up after all this time and it turns out to be so completely different.
After Margaret is paralyzed due to the plane crash, it takes some time for her to even realize the gravity of the situation. She goes through a myriad of emotions that we expect - anxiety, hope, despair, determination, depression - and the whole cycle repeats day to day. I really admire her for her strength, not just in the wake of the accident, but also breaking up with Chip, losing her dream job and basically losing a sense of her old life and not knowing what the future has in store. She never completely lets go and holds onto some sliver of hope and works very hard every single day.
It's the side characters and their personalities that were a huge turn off for me. Margaret's father is the calm in the storm that is her mother. And when her estranged sister Kitty comes back, more drama ensues. Both mother and sister are pushy, forceful, want Margaret to do just what they tell her to without any questions. Keeping a positive attitude in such a devastating situation is understandable but they take it whole another level. Margaret's boyfriend/fiance/ex was another person I couldn't sympathize with. I understand the guilt he was going through but he made it all about him and never even gave Maggie a chance to talk or sort through her feelings. His mother clearly loves her son but I couldn't understand how she could be so apathetic towards her best friend's daughter who was lying in the hospital. Kitty and Chip also take pictures of Maggie in the hospital and post to their social media without ever asking her permission or considering her right to privacy and it really infuriated me. Even Maggie's PT Ian initially pissed me off but the relationship that slowly developed between them was sweet and heartening.
I also felt that the last part of the book was rushed through. The romance, the secrets and revelations, Maggie's plans for the future - everything just happened very quickly and all the storylines got wrapped up neatly which felt too unrealistic.
This was a quick read and the writing was very easy to get through. Margaret is the highlight of this book and I loved her. If you don't mind an overtly optimistic book, then you might enjoy this one. But I guess I expected a little more intensity and emotions. Not a bad book at all but just not what I hoped it would be.
This ventured so close to Me Before You, I'm having trouble reviewing any plot contrasts. If you enjoyed MBY, this is the bubblegum novel for you. Personally, I found it entirely to predictable.
Loved this one, makes you think about how valuable life actually is and that you need to make the most of it! Also, kudos to the audiobook narrator. She made the story come across super well, full of emotion.
Katherine Center's story about a woman's recovery after a life-altering accident is both upsetting and uplifting at times. On what was set to be the best day of Margaret's life, a tragic accident catapults her life in a totally different direction. Margaret's reactions to her situation are believable. I like that the author doesn't make her character naively optimistic.
The story reads very easily. I read it in two days. It was engaging to the point that I would pick it back up shortly after putting it down. The author weaves the plot together well. I could have done without the romance part of the story, though. I felt it wasn't necessary and was even a bit unrealistic. My biggest complaint is the ending. It wraps up too neatly for my liking. I won't say more than that because I would spoil the plot.
Even though there were some aspects I didn't care for, I still enjoyed reading this book. I read Center's other book, Things You Save in a Fire, and really liked it. I will definitely read more by her in the future.
Margaret Jacobsen is about to have it all—a dream job, a new condo, an ideal fiancé—when she unexpectedly ends up in a plane crash, leaving her burned and paralyzed.
Only Katherine Center can take such a stark, bleak story and give it gentle and comedic moments, and can finish with a startling sense of hope and happiness without throwing in anything hopelessly impossible.
There were great moments, filled with humor and hope. There were awkward moments when you couldn't relate with the characters' behavioy. But I confess I liked it better than Jojo Moyes'.
I can't remember the last time that I loved a fiction book the way that I loved this one. It gave me all of the feels and, as a result, I want to read all of Katherine Center's books. Her writing = 👌🏽
All of the words that help capture Katherine Center's novels: witty, heart-breaking, romantic, tragic, hopeful, heartwarming, triumphant. They are everything in one. You will not regret reading this.