Average rating3.3
Courtney Summers has yet to write a book that I didnt' enjoy! She does not shy away from real and dark topics and her angry, strongwilled, teenage girl main characters are so real and so easy to root for. My only problem with this book is that the main character automatically assumes everyone is wanting the worst for her, except for the people that actually do. Otherwise, I loved the setting and the main character's voice. Looking forward to reading more from this author.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for providing me with an eBook copy to review.
This took me a long time to finish because it's brutal. My heart breaks for girls who are in these situations. This is going to sit with me for a long time.
Per usj I love Courtney Summers's really sharp look at misogyny and rape culture and it was a new kind of wrenching to have a character here who hadn't yet learned about all the unfortunate ways the world works. Reading this had a horror movie kind of vibe where you're sitting there like “nooo don't go in there!!!” and then she totally goes in there!!! aaaa
This book had me confused for a large portion. I had a difficult time grasping what was going on. Not to mention the plot felt a bit disjointed at times. The writing was beautiful, and I really enjoyed the romance, but overall despite being a quick read for me it just wasn't my favorite.
There was no mystery or suspense for me because it was pretty obvious who the villains of the story were right off the bat. I'm The Girl is just a sad tale with no happy ending or justice of the destruction of a sixteen-year-old girl.
Check out the rest of my review at Mx. Phoebe's Viewpoint. Link in bio.
I received a free copy of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.