Average rating3.8
I didn't know what to expect with this one, but I really loved it. Suarez has nailed it 4 times in a row!!!
This book starts off fun and engaging but after he breaks out of jail it really slows down for me. The idea of gravity mirrors and super science gone wild is fun. This did not live up to my idea.
I always like this author’s books. He feels underrated. He dives into some really fun technical stuff, but keeps the story moving. If I ever don’t have anything to read, I’ll probably reach for another of his books.
Executive Summary: If you can get over the ridiculousness this book can be a lot of fun.Audio book: The audio is pretty good. Jeff Gurner can do a few accents and they have some special effects for the AI/comms that add a little extra touch.Full ReviewThis book was pretty uneven for me. It starts out with a huge tech dump trying to explain how a Gravity Mirror might be possible. I'm not a physicist so I have no idea how sound the theories are or if he's just completely making things up. It really seems pointless by the end considering all the other technology that's said to exist with little to no explanation and some of the crazy ways the gravity mirror is used later in the book. I'm fine with ignoring the science, but then he shouldn't have bothered with a few of the infodumps he included in my opinion.Needless to say it made for a slow start, but I got into it by the third chapter. I actually found myself agreeing with the arguments of the BTC (Bureau of Technology Control), but quickly found myself changing my mind.The notion of controlling technological advances for the good of humanity is a cool premise, but it really just turns into a “absolute power corrupts absolutely” sort of thing.I felt a few parts went on too long and a few parts were just ridiculous. I didn't enjoy this as much as [b:Daemon 4699575 Daemon (Daemon, #1) Daniel Suarez https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1394070569s/4699575.jpg 4763873] but definitely enjoyed it more than [b:Freedom™ 7132363 Freedom™ (Daemon, #2) Daniel Suarez https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1394604676s/7132363.jpg 7394861].I found the main character a bit unlikable at times. That probably didn't help. The bad guys also seem a bit mustache twirly and over the top. I think I would have enjoyed some more shades of grey here. At first it seemed like it would be a bit of that as I found myself changing my opinion on the BTC, but pretty much from then on, it all seemed pretty clear-cut and predictable to me.If you're not too worried about the tech and just want a fun little technothriller you may enjoy this one.3.5 Stars
Bit more far science fiction than the two other books I have read by this author. It was a bit uneven for my liking, middle bit was best if you can get through the early chapters. My mind was wandering slightly in the last few chapters