2011 • 880 pages


Average rating3.8


Some people hate on these books because it “rips off LOTR”. Well if that's how you feel then you shouldn't like a single classic fantasy novel in existence because every single one is going to take some sort of inspiration from that book. Why? Because it's amazing, it works, and we all love it. That being said this series has some similarities in the first book with LOTR but he progresses from those common tropes to make a pretty great series that is probably the best series you can get into for a new fantasy reader, besides Mistborn.

This book in particular was my favorite of the series for 90% of it. There was so much action, it was just wonderful. However the ending was soooo prolonged and Galbatorix's death was so anti-climactic that I just had to bring it down a star.

He left the series in such a way that he'd be able to pick off where he left it pretty easy so I'm pretty excited for the next book coming out soon!

April 1, 2023Report this review