The original English Translation of Adolf Hitler's book
Average rating2.3
I wanted to read this particular book for 2 reasons:
1) Book Thief 2) Why Hitler did what he did and how he managed to get away with it and amass a following.
I must say, it was a very tough read. Basically the book only sticks to a few points and just keeps going on about them over and over again. That's how propaganda works I guess.
The reason I've given the book such a low rating is because I do not agree to the ideas in it. The book really calls out to the most basic negative emotions of mankind. It preys on negativity, extremism, intolerance and hate. Hitler's ideas were extremist. The only purpose behind his ‘new way of life' was the propagation of the Aryan race and he felt that all Germans should do everything in their power (no matter right or wrong) to achieve that end. His entire ideology was a violation of basic human rights.
Furthermore, he doesn't give any explanation about why he has certain points of view (PoVs), just that he believes in them and so all Germans must believe in them too. He doesn't describe any specific personal experiences he went through that led to the formation of those PoVs.
I'm not a student of history or politics so I can't really give a very detailed review of this book in terms of those subjects. But this book has aroused my interest in politics and history so I'd appreciate recommendations in these areas.
Es una buena lectura para los interesados en la doctrina racial-nacionalsocialista, y realmente ofrece una visión profunda de la organización de los partidos alemanes de post-guerra. También permite observar de donde nace, al menos políticamente, el odio de Hitler hacia los judíos y el rol de los mismos en la post-guerra. Claro, nada de lo explicado en el libro justifica el posterior holocausto Nazi, pero al menos se toma el trabajo de explicar sus motivos.
Lo que mas asusta del libro es encontrar montañas enteras de párrafos que podrían estar sacados de textos de fundamentación política correspondientes a gobiernos que están vigentes hoy en día en América Latina, tal es el caso de Argentina. De hecho “La Cámpora” y el Kirchnerismo Cristinista respetan a rajatablas al menos 8 de los 13 preceptos fundamentales sobre los que se basa el partido Nazi (los 5 restantes hablan principalmente de la raza aria y los judíos, así que no aplican en el contexto). Así que atentos a este detalle.
The one thing I've taken away from this book is that it's dangerous to wallow in self pity and simultaneously harbour delusions of greatness.