Average rating4.4
One of the best fantasy books I've ever read. The concept in this one is a fantasy world that is slightly different from our own with the inclusion of allomancers, people born with a special ability to manipulate the world (or themselves) in some way. These include things like being able to push/pull steel, refine your senses or incease your strength. “Mistborns” can use all of these abilities.
The characters and world drew me in with its mysteries and hints at epic problems rotating around our central players. The magical element for this world was the most memorable I can imagine, and I would highly recommend it. You could go with this one on your own, but books 2 & 3 expand on the world.
This book does a lot of heavy-lifting, world-building in the first third with massive exposition about things learned organically later in the book.
There are also a lot of named characters that disappear including Mr. Easter Egg himself, Hoid. Then, the the perspective shift from Kelsier to Vin eased me into the rest of the story.
I also really appreciated how well-fleshed out Vin was by the end. Men writing women in sci-fi can be a tough but Sanderson pulls it off. Vin's arc takes off as she matures and starts to confront her abandonment issues as the story goes on. I'm so very glad the Vin-Eland <spoiler>meet-cute </spoiler> didn't take away Vin's agency or take over the entire story too. Dress descriptions were a little overdone but forgivable as Vin settled into her role.
The court espionage was a fun yet sometimes slow runaway train as Kelsier's plan against the Lord Ruler spiraled. Kliss and Shan were especially a delight. I didn't see the ending coming and was able to just enjoy the reveals.
I'm not generally a high fanatsy or hardcore sci-fi reader, but this book was an easy and fun entry point into those genres. If anyone is on the fence, this is your sign to give Mistborn a try.
Eu sempre tive receio de começar Mistborn, mesmo tendo quase certeza de que amaria, e sempre dizia pra mim mesma que tinha que esperar o “momento certo” e bla bla bla. Bom, o momento certo demorou quase 3 anos após minha compra do box, mas finalmente veio aí. Menção honrosa à leitura conjunta do catarse do Victor Almeida (GF), em que estamos fazendo a leitura de toda a cosmere (sim, tem muito chão pela frente ainda...)
“O Império Final” em sua essência tem uma premissa bem simples e que já vimos mil vezes: O grupo dos bonzinhos (Kelsier, Vin & co.) tentam derrubar o vilão (Senhor Soberano) que deixa a nobreza reinar e oprime grupos de pessoas menos privilegiadas. Porém em cima dessa premissa simples o Sanderson começa a jogar vários elementos, detalhes, mistérios e reviravoltas que faz com que o livro seja impossível de largar.
O sistema de magia da alomancia e feruquemia são incríveis e o Sanderson fez um ótimo trabalho na criação de um sistema tão intricado e que torna as cenas de confrontos muito emocionantes.
Gostei que muitos dos personagens do livro tiveram uma caracterização decente, ao invés dele só dar atenção para Kelsier e Vin. Óbvio, sabemos bem mais sobre o passado dos dois personagens principais do livro, mas os personagens secundários possuem personalidades bem diferentes e as decisões e reações deles na história condizem com o que esperaríamos depois que conhecemos eles um pouco.
A parte do livro onde a gangue está tramando se infiltrar entre os nobres me lembrou muito os plots de Locke Lamora. De certo modo, o Kelsier também me lembra o Locke (um Locke que não tem medo de matar...) e isso ganhou muitos pontos positivos comigo. Adoro essas tramas de infiltração, guerras entre nobres, etc.
De algum jeito eu consegui evitar spoilers de Mistborn toda minha vida então não fazia NENHUMA idéia dos maiores acontecimentos do livro, em especial tudo que acontece lá pro final. Os 90% pra frente são arrebatadores, é soco no estômago e revelação pra tudo que é lado. O homem não tem piedade do leitor!
O número de páginas da trilogia assusta, mas eu achei a leitura incrivelmente fluída. Se contar só o tempo que sentei pra ler mesmo, passou num piscar de olhos (demorei mais porque tinha dias que eu não lia nada ou lia outros livros). Se calhamaços te intimidam, fique tranquilo porque esse aqui não é uma leitura demorada. Na verdade, apesar do monte de violência descrita, a escrita é bem jovem, o que eu acho que contribui com a fluidez da leitura. O que mais empaca de primeira são as regras da alomancia, os diversos metais e seus respectivos poderes e como usá-los. Mas simplesmente siga lendo pois eles usam alomancia extensivamente, principalemente durante o treinamento da Vin, onde personagem e leitor aprendem cada metal em detalhe juntos.
Podem ter havido coisas no livro que me incomodaram ou que achei mais ou menos, porém seriam reclamações minúsculas comparadas a todas as coisas que o Sanderson acertou na história.
Estou muito ansiosa pra partir pra “O Poço da Ascensão”, espero continuar em dia com a LC para conseguir concluir a trilogia esse ano :D
The skaa have been beaten into submission. They keep their heads down, work hard, and do their best to survive. Some dare to dream of something more in the Final Empire. Kelsier has begun to plan something larger than the Final Empire has seen in centuries - an uprising that will destroy the Lord Ruler and free the skaa from the meager existence that they are eking out.
While he begins to build his team, he has once again recruited several men that have worked with him before, but he is also looking to bring on another member - one that has hidden powers, that they do not fully understand themselves. As he brings Vin into the crew, her demeanor is one of distrusting and wariness. She does not trust these men, even though they appear to be a lot closer than most of the crews that she has dealt with in the past. Her last crew was one of pain, hunger and humiliation. Members would sell you out for the smallest offense. Vin learned early on to keep her head down and keep to herself as much as she could.
Kelsier has started a small rebellion, one that started with the killing of a nobleman on a plantation - while the skaa hid in their homes. He has built a name for himself. He is a survivor of the Pits. The pits of Hathsin are a desolate place, one where people are sent to die. The atium that the Lord Ruler hoards so closely is mined there, and it is worth a fortune. No one has ever returned from the pits before, so Kelsier has become a celebrity in the underground networks, a person who should not be alive but has defied all the odds so far. As talk of rebellion begins - Kelsier lays out a plan so daring, most think he has finally lost his mind and is wandering around insane. Death does not scare him, and yet he is willing to lead others into danger to accomplish the task that they have been asked to fulfill.
As Vin and Kelsier begin working on the powers that lay hidden within Vin, she learns that she can do so much more than soothe the people around her. While it is a good power to fall back on, there are so many other areas that she did not know she could access. She is a Mistborn, an allomancer. Allomancy is the mystical power held by the nobility, granted to them by the Lord Ruler some thousand years before as a reward for their loyalty. Skaa are not supposed to have these powers, and anyone who shows knowledge of them without being of noble birth is slated for execution. While there are some skaa who have these powers, they are few and far in between, and they have to be extremely careful, as they are hunted by the Obligators and the Inquisitors, who stifle any form of rebellion or security risk to the Lord Ruler quickly.
The plan? Draw the armies out of the city, put the major houses in a power struggle and war against each other, and then hopefully be able to defeat the Lord Ruler. The odds are definitely stacked against them, and the chance of actual success is slim. Vin is going to act the part of a noblewoman, and begin to infiltrate the noble houses, and begin to glean some information on the members within each household. Sazed, who is a keeper, begins to give her some pointers and tips on passing as a noblewoman from the countryside, the niece of a minor nobleman. As she debuts into society, she meets the heir of the highest house, but this young man is much different from much of the nobles in the city. He thinks differently, and prefers to spend his time with books instead of people. While she is not impressed with their first meeting, feelings quickly change and a small friendship begins to open between the two. But the tensions between the houses are rising, and nobleman are beginning to turn up dead. It is only a matter of time before the entire city erupts, and the plans that have been laid so carefully by Kelsier, Breeze, Clubs, Dockson, Ham, and Vin are about to be swept away like the ashes that rain down on the city....
Oh my! My friends over at Gamerati have been after me to read these books for a couple of years. I cannot believe I let these go as long as I did!!! THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING! If you have not read this book before, you need to do so! I was immediately transported into the book, and hours would slip by before I realized, I should probably be sleeping or working. In my head I kept singing “Radioactive” by the Imagine Dragons as I was adventuring through this book. Brandon Sanderson draws you completely into the pages of his novel, and does not release the hold he has over you at all. This is the first book in a series of three - so be prepared for an epic journey! Pack your favorite treats and drinks and settle back on your couch for a vacation that will leave you breathless.
This is one book that honestly will make you sit on the edge of your seat and wonder what is going to happen next - the twists, the turns, the secrets.... they are all there waiting for you to discover them!!
Grab your copy today - and remember - There is always another secret....
I really liked the world building and the magic systems this book. I also greatly enjoyed the mysteries send the twist. So glad a friend recommended it. I will probably have to follow up with some more of Mistworld.
איזה יופי של ספר! הבת שלי התחילה לקרוא את הסדרה ואני הצטרפתי בעקבותיה. זכיתי לטעימה מהדרך שבה היא קוראת ספרים, הדרך שבה אני הייתי קוראת כשהייתי בגילה - במשך שעות מתחת לשמיכה, עם לחיים לוהטות ועיניים בורקות. כל כך נכנסתי לתוך הספר, כעסתי על דמויות ושמחתי איתן. כמעט יכולתי להרגיש את הערפל סביבי. פשוט תענוג
Excellent fantasy book, which I would recommend to anyone interested in the genre but perhaps without the time to dedicate to a more epic series, like Game of Thrones. With a strong female lead, yet no dominating romantic plot, the book is refreshing, fast-paced, and novel in concept. Looking forward to devouring the next two in the series!
So this is actually my second read of this book and it really was amazing. There's a reason people are always recommending Sanderson. Awesome magic system, complex characters, great writing... what more could you want?
Can't wait to finish out this series this year!
It starts out very slowly, and I think the first 2/3 of the book could have been condensed. But then it gets real good real fast.
Great introduction to Sanderson's works imo. The story is fun, but has enough depth to it to truely keep you on your seat.
Probably the fastest I've ever read a book, loved every single page, filled with so much story, action, emotion and twists, cannot wait to start book number two!
I was so intimidated by Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere because it is such a beloved universe. My expectations were over the roof. I was not disappointed. This book is an absolute masterpiece. Read it.
Rating: 9.3/10
After reading Assassin's Apprentice before this, wow. Sanderson really shows the power of world-building and fascinating magic systems. The quick introduction of Allomancy and eventually the ultimately more fascinating Feruchemy draws in the reader and really brings the world alive. While some of the characters seemed a little one-dimensional to me (Ham, a soldier with an interest in philosophy), the lore of Luthadel and the Central Dominance made this book a page turner. From the ruthless and awe-inspiring presence of the Lord Ruler to Terrismen being introduced as an inferior servant race, Sanderson kept delivering.
Vin, the protagonist, was a little disappointing to me although I did enjoy her quick ascension to fully-trained Mistborn with the help of Kelsier. Her character dynamic of “I can't trust anybody” got a bit old after a while as well as her obsession with her brother Reen who abandoned her.
Regardless, I'm excited to find out more about the universe Brandon Sanderson has created and finish the Mistborn trilogy.
I shouldn't have read The Way of Kings before this book. It raised the bar too high.
Well, that's what I thought, but I'm so glad this book didn't disappoint me. Sanderson defy all trilogy clichés and, even though this isn't like WoK, it's perfect in its own way and completely unique. I'm already in love with the story and the characters. One thing I don't quite buy is the romance. It's a matter of preference, I just don't like insta love. However, I'm willing to see what will happen in the future.
Usually I find if troublesome to get through books with female lead characters. Thankfully, ‘The Final Empire' is an exception. This ‘totally serious' book describes a world where there is constant Ash fall (the source of which is never discussed), where a God-emperor rules with the an iron fist. Hah! See what I did there? No? Then read the book to find out. :)
This is one of those books that ‘I have been meaning to read'. This is an ace book and I really enjoyed it. Sanderson's characters are well rounded and you actually believe in them. The laws of the magic system used in the books are really intriguing and gives you a bit of a different perspective.
Obviously, the character of Vin is the most intriguing. Sanderson incorporates all the normal fantasy tropes and then turns them on their head.
4.5 Stars
I finally finished it. This book was so great. I love the world, the magic system, and the characters. I still have so many questions that I need answers to but this was a great first installment. I was completely surprised by how this story went and I was not at all expecting the outcome that did occur.
There was a lot going on in this book. I honestly didn't think that the job could be done through book one and the entire series would revolve around throwing the Final Empire. Makes me anticipate what will be waiting for me in the next two books.
The story was very addicting and kept thinking about this book when I'm not reading it! And I love every single characters. I often found myself smiling reading their banters. I'd say Breeze is my favourite. And of course Kelsier. Oh, and Sazed! Ham and Spook were very funny. That scene when they spoke Spook dialect! I was laughing my ass off. I kinda like Club too. His mysterious aura kinda grown in me. Dockson, he's seems like a father to the crew. Vin, this cute little stubborn lass. She's annoying sometimes but at the same time she's very endearing.
The revelation about the Lord Ruler, boy i did not see that coming. That was incredible.
I finished this book only because I did not want to pile up on my gave-up-upon shelf. The writing is kind of fine, but the story not so much. I somewhat liked the characters lack of presumption, as in they have magical powers but aren't abusing they're might. But there just wasn't much going on for me to like.
Nothing really exciting happens, I kept waiting for the plot to take over, but it just didn't. It read almost like a documentary rather then a fantastical tale.
Okay, this was a roller coaster ride from start to finish. I did not expect the story to have so many revelations! Also, stop making me live through the ending of [b:The Hero of Ages 36904457 The Hero of Ages (Mistborn, #3) Brandon Sanderson https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1522870236l/36904457.SY75.jpg 2793516] over and over again. Once was ENOUGH! Pleaseeee, I beg you!Massive spoilers aheadSpoilerThere were way too many storylines in this one story. Most confused by Khriss/Nazh and the Ire (because White Sand Prison isn't available here, yet).Is Kell ever going to rest? Or is he just a moron who is going to keep causing trouble? Although, I have to say that this story made me like him a lot more. Especially that scene with Vin :)Things this story explained:- The Shattering of Adonalsium.- The 16 people who killed it and became Shards, was Hoid one of the 16 who planned the Shattering, but then later rejected it? As in rejected becoming a Shard himself? Whaa? (confuse me more please) Also, Cephandrius is a mouthful!- The Ire are from different worlds or are all of them from Elantris/Sel?- What was the golden liquid? (Need to read the other short stories).- Kell did Soulcasting in the Cognitive Realm with the sticks? Eh? Doesn't that require some form of Investiture? Did it come from him being linked to the Well for so long?- Kell was the reason behind Marsh ripping out Vin's earring in the final confrontation. BRB crying
Fantastic world-building. Likeable but almost universally flat characters. Plot meanders but reaches a satisfying conclusion, leaving me very curious about events to come. Looking forward to reading more, although I'm not yet sold on the Sanderson hype.