Average rating4.1
Minor spoilers
4 ⭐ - 1 star deducted because I did not get even a single complete ‘tamquam alter idem' in this book (and that affected my enjoyment severely).Ronan making one bad decision after another
i wasn't sure how to feel about this book at the beginning but then everything started happening and i really liked the plot. i was also worried that the fewer pages in comparison to the first book were going to be a bad sign but i think the pace of the story was perfect, anything more and i might have felt bored/it would have been unnecessary and would have dragged the story on
i dont even know how this is going to continue but i am So Excited
Okay what the actual fuck just happened??? I have SO many questions and I do not understand anything in that last chapter, did it not just unravel everything about the previous chapter?? I don't get ittttttt
I really need to to see more of Adam in the next book I miss him SO MUCH, and what in the world is up with Jordan, like how the fuck, and why ir RONAN THE ONE AFFECTED I DO NOT UNDERSTAND AND IF I DO THEN I DONT LIKE THE IMPLICATIONS HERE LIKE I LITERALLY CAAAAAN'T
Mais uma prova de que a Maggie não falha. Muuuuito mais fluido que o primeiro livro (pelo menos para mim) e com uma escrita extremamente agradável e única, Sonhador Impossível conseguiu ganhar um espaço entre um dos meus livros favoritos da série que engloba o universo dos Garotos Corvos.
Maggie é genial em sua escrita, tecendo caminhos e descrições de uma forma tão sutil que, quando você se dá por si, está já preso num emaranhado complexo e profundo de relações e pensamentos. Sua capacidade de usar metáforas para explicar emoções é incomparável e sempre me deixa sem ar. Ler os livros da Maggie é exatamente isso.
E o que foi esse final? Tive que fechar o livro e respirar um pouco antes de finalizar as últimas páginas, simplesmente surreal.
uuuHHHH? I re-read a summary of [b:Call Down the Hawk 31373184 Call Down the Hawk (Dreamer Trilogy, #1) Maggie Stiefvater https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1550860945l/31373184.SY75.jpg 52062040] before starting this but I'm not sure if it helped? But it's also possible that following the plot of this book isn't really the point of this book. Anyway, the writing is beautiful and I especially loved the Boston-based shenanigans. I'll definitely read the next one.
i have zero doubts that some people will like this but the entire thing was completely forgettable for me.
not sure i'll read any more maggie books after the last installment in this series.
edit on 03/09/21: i dont even think this is a bad book, i just cant imagine anyone rereading this for fun. how can you write a book so impossible to enjoy? i keep thinking about it and i can't feel anything but negative emotions, its terrible
things i liked:
- jordan and matthew's relationship
things i disliked:
- everything else
i guess this trilogy is just not what i was expecting. i got so excited when i found out a series about one of my all-time favorite characters was coming out, but it barely feels like a book about ronan. all i wanted was to see the lynch brothers together, working out their life-long issues while trying to live in this dream shitshow they've gotten themselves into. what did i get instead? two phone conversations and one (1) scene where ronan and declan stand in the same room. i was so frustrated all the time, seeing declan and Matthew together getting all the much-needed relationship development while ronan was away in the most boring mission ever with the most annoying character I've ever read about.
and the ending, bryde waking up while ronan is still asleep. if the third book is about bryde, if ronan stays asleep as if //he// is the dream, i don't think i'm gonna be able to get through it. I haven't HATED a character so much in SO LONG.
i won't even talk about adam because it feels like maggie stiefvater herself doesn't even want to write about him or his relationship with ronan.
i could complain about so many more things, but i'm pissed off and tired. this book was 300 pages long and 200 pages of it were boring as hell. that's all.