Average rating4.2
I've been working my way through the Discworld series for a while now and was beginning to grow concerned that Pratchett had reached his limits, with the recent foray into YA novels being a sign that he was taking it easy, however I couldn't have been proved more wrong. Maybe writing the YA novels allowed his time to re-energise because with Monstrous Regiment he returns to form with guns blazing.
This is easily one of the best in the series, if not the best. The themes explored are more mature and the situations grittier. The presence of the City Watch always seems to raise Pratchett's game and, although they only have a peripheral part to play here, the result here is no different.
I had been worried that the remainder of the series would be a slightly trudging affair, however my hopes have been raised massively by this late entry and I am looking forward to see what comes next...
Ohh, I liked this a lot, and just when I thought the ending was going to be sad, it wasn't, and it was uplifting instead. <3
I liked it. It took me longer to read than usual, but then I also have much less time than I used to. It was funny and quick like any Terry Pratchett and the plot was great, though a little slow in the beginning. Great ending too. After 500 pages of something like this though, I do crave some more serious and deep stories.
16th June 2022:
What can I say about this book except that it was absolutely amazing. Surprising twist kept coming up and till the last minute I was at the edge of my seat. I had a bloody good time.
Polly, the main character was relatable and just amazing. I loved her. Her and all the cast. They had so much personality.
The themes were very well displayed and talked about and that's not something I expect at all. I loved it. Especially the talk about loyalty to country.
This was a full on ride that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Final rating: 4.5/5.0
The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it.
It was exquisite. How I wish that more people would read Sir Terry; would learn from his perceptiveness. This one is full-on biting satire, yet also loving and kind in the way only Pratchett can manage. His targets here are many, and he hits hard against each one: sexism, jingoism, bellicosity, religious fanaticism, xenophobia, mindless obedience. (Know any political parties like that?) His protagonists are complex, conflicted, by and large honorable... and, also by and large, women. This makes me a little uncomfortable: it takes hubris for a male writer to attempt this. I will never know if he gets it right; I suspect my female friends will have differing opinions; I will listen to them. What I do know is that it rings true to me, and made me think and reflect and cheer..
A readable book with some good details and a few laughs, but he never really decided what he wanted to do with the story, which wanders around rather aimlessly towards the end. A perfectionist would have called this an intermediate draft and carried on working on it, but it seems that he was more interested in moving on to the next book.
Probably my favourite Discworld book I've read up until now! There is the expected razor sharp and sometimes goofy humour of Terry Pratchett very much present however what I enjoyed the most about this book is how serious i got at times. Despite all the shenanigans this is still a story about war and all its complications and tragedies. I like how Pratchett was able to weave these two tones, once light hearted and funny but also realistic and down to earth, so well together. Definitely a worthy read!!
This book is one of the darker discworld novels. However, it does serve as a brilliant twist on the girl-as-boy standard plot, poking fun at societies and[return]the plot device itself. That's all I can say about that and still honestly keep this review no spoilers. The discworld series is one of those that is improving[return]with age. If you haven't yet read this book, even if you've never read any discworld book before, I think you'll enjoy it.