Average rating3.7
This had everything I love in a book. Great writing, a sci fi element, a mystery element all in a general fiction book that explores society, motherhood, and government work!
2.5 ⭐️
This book was really great until the end... which was so unsatisfying and I get it but it was just a big why at the end. I really did enjoy it for a while and it was a very light thriller for the first like 40% of the book but once we figured out the big twist in the middle then it felt like a thriller.
The tech in the book sounded cool but went highly unexplained which I was fine with because I was generally able to figure it out but at first it was slightly distracting to figure out but not terrible. Also the time period this is set in is the future but its not said when which I would have appreciated.
I liked the characters but was in no way attached to them so when twists came it was a meh reaction.
This is probably a great book for some people but not for me, which is unfortunate because the premise sounded like something I'd love
Solid 3.5 for this interesting surprise that includes cloning in an understated way and marriage under a somewhat stroboscopic light.
I didn't know what to expect from this book, but I was enthralled. It was not a standard murder mystery but more of a reflection of person hood, past, and motherhood.