Average rating4
My full review was posted on SFF Book Review.
Here's the (very much) shorter version:
This is marketed as one of Pratchett's books for young people and while it definitely can be read by children and young adults, I believe it is even more suited to an adult readership. I remember, as a child, I read books for the pure pleasure of story. I didn't care about messages, or the exploration of themes, or even world-building. I watched characters I liked do things that were interesting, and on that level, Nation succeeds. But it is the message that forms the heart of this novel, it is the encouragement to think for yourself, and to go through the world with open eyes and an open mind.
THE GOOD: Wonderful characters who live through a sad but beautiful story. Brilliant exploration of serious themes with just a pinch of Pratchett's trademark humor.
THE BAD: Takes a while to get into, some story elements (the Navy plotline) could have been left out.
BONUS: The filthy-mouthed parrot.
THE VERDICT: Highly recommended to Pratchett lovers or newcomers, to scientists and religious people, to those who have suffered through loss and pain, and those who are simply interested in a good story.
RATING: 9/10 – Beautiful. Close to perfection.
This is not a book about colonialism so much as it's actually concerned about existenialism for nations. :)
I liked it; the only reason I wouldn't rate it higher is because the characters end up feeling a little slight without having the advantage of being revisited across multiple books, as with the Discworld characters. I think it'd be impossible for Terry Pratchett to write a bad book; it's just that some have more impact than others He seems to write insightful or eloquent passages even when he's not trying every hard.
One thing I live about Nation in particular is how Pratchett is able to make perfectly clear his reverence for science, without feeling the need to dismiss spirituality. It's rare to find a writer who's so forceful a proponent of rational thought but also approaches faith and belief as having personal value. I wish that we were all able to be so focused on finding a common ground and being positive – unafraid to call out arrogance, social climbing, manipulation, and just plain evil; but not so quick to label anyone who just doesn't have the same beliefs as us as being against us.
Terry Pratchett's Nation is a marked departure for the esteemed author from his Discworld series of books but presents the reader with many of the same issues and underlying messages as his other works. It's certainly well worth a read and introduces us to some truly memorable characters.
I thoroughly enjoyed this. True...it may not be quite as much fun as a discworld book but in the end it was just great.
Another fantastic book from Terry Pratchett. This time we are following adventures of Daphne, young english lady that finds herself on an island that isn't on the map, and Mau - stuck between being a boy and a man, which tries to find sense in life after tragedy and lead the nation.
Full of typical Pratchett humour it is a sweet and sour tale about growing up.
I have read very few books where I have afterwards thought this not only changed my life as a reader and enjoyer of stories (both serious and absurdly hilarious) but also as a thinker and horribly flawed human being. One person alone is nothing, two people are a nation. As someone who so often feels alone this novel was so powerful and in many ways (perhaps in the simplest, most human of ways) profound. It's so incredibly easy to forget that we are all the same people, that we sailed all the way across the sea until we came back. But we are a Nation. And we have incredible potential for thought, creativity, and community.
All this to say, HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!