Average rating4
This is so good!! There's only a few characters in a winter storm in an isolated location but it's so gripping. And the plot twists! Every time I was shocked. I was tense the entire time I listened to it but I loved it!
Holy shit! Incredible, well written, THRILLING book.
I think I had adrenaline running through me the whole time I read this. I don't think l've read in third person before but it made it feel like I'm watching them and hearing their thoughts rather than actually the character of the book.
Not one moment of this book was slow. I was hooked from the start. The twists shocked me and trust me I was trying not I guess and I still couldn't get it, they also didn't come out of nowhere. I just definitely recommend this to everyone!
Read like I was watching a movie! So many unexpected twists and a main character that you're constantly rooting for and isn't a typical protagonist that's constantly messing up.
Rating a thriller is difficult for me in the sense that I'm not rating it the same way I do other books. Most thrillers are not literary masterpieces. I don't read them for that. With that being said, this thriller is fours stars “for a thriller”. I don't read that many, but it kept me turning pages and surprised me a few times. I started this awhile ago and read the first 50 pages. I put it down for a couple months. I picked it up 2 days ago and finished it.
If your looking for a quick thriller with a creepy backdrop, check it out.
Racial slurs were completely unnecessary to the plot. Writing was repetitive. Plot dragged on and on. Was taken out of the story many times. Skip this book
I was on the edge of my seat all the time! Cruel and graphic at times but surprising and exciting.
this one really reminded me what a fucked up world we live in. the intensity had me on the edge of my seat, such a good book.
Wow, what a ride - it never let up. It truly kept me on the edge of my sheet the whole time. The tension never flagged. Almost purely plot except for Darby and Jay, who were more well developed but it wasn't necessarily a character novel, so much as an action one and from that viewpoint, it more than succeeded. I found myself wondering what I would do in the same circumstances.
I devoured this book in one sitting, unable to put it down. The story is engaging, the characters are well-written, and the suspense is palpable. The author expertly builds tension, leading to a thrilling conclusion. I loved it!
Way too much swearing for my taste. The suspense aspect was fantastic. I could hardly put it down.
This book was so captivating. It was such a quick read for me because of the suspense, plot twists, and overall fast-pace of the story.
I was very surprised by multiple events, although towards the end the shock factor was lost due sheerly to how many the author included.
Anther criticism- there WERE moments where the writing was cheesy/juvenile that I didn't care for. Regardless, I really enjoyed it start to finish. It's a great winter-time read due to the setting.
The back of the book is originally what made me want to read it, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for what happened on the inside. This was a 10/10 story about the lengths Darby Thorne would go through to save a complete stranger - that stranger being a child.
Crazy, intense, scary, heart pounding, and even humorous are all words I would use to describe what happens on these pages. If you're looking for a thriller that's different from what you've been reading, check this out.
Loved this one. Doesn't really give you a break for a single page! Recommended if you want something thrilling with plot twists, but don't expect deep literature
A taut thriller that was incredibly well paced. I loved it! I loved how it didn't tie up neatly, I loved the twists along the way. This was a great read.
Wow, what a fantastic thrilling book. I usually don't cringe at pain and death but man oh man the descriptions in this book made the hairs on my arms stand at attention!
Darby is heading home Christmas Eve during the biggest snow storm to hit Colorado, she received a text from her sister that her mother was not doing good. Darby was hesitant to go home due to the rocky relationship they had but it was her mother and she knew she needed to make amends. Darby has to pull over to the nearest rest stop to get out of the snow storm, little does she know she has walked into the most dangerous and crazy night of her life.
Five perfect strangers are stranded for the night in the middle of a huge snow storm and little do they know that their lives are about to bechanged forever. The tension and thrill in this book was palpable and was not easy to figure out who was holding secrets. I highly recommend this book to those who love a thrill ride! I can't wait to see the movie on Hulu...but I'm not holding high hopes!
An entertaining popcorn thriller. Fast-paced and exciting, ridiculous and far-fetched, No Exit is the perfect “one-night stand” book - not one that is an all-time favorite or a recommendation to all readers, but one that was thoroughly enjoyable all the same.
I don't read many thrillers, and when I do I rarely love them. [b:Gone Girl 19288043 Gone Girl Gillian Flynn https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1554086139l/19288043.SY75.jpg 13306276]? More like, I didn't like it. [b:The Woman in the Window 40389527 The Woman in the Window A.J. Finn https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1528225499l/40389527.SY75.jpg 52941950]? More like, I also didn't like it. No Exit was a huge surprise, the type of book that makes me reconsider an entire genre. No Exit's protagonist, Darby, is a college student who just learned her mom has late-stage pancreatic cancer. She drives through heavy snow, desperate to reach her before she passes away. An imminent blizzard descends in full, and it's futile. She's snowed in at a rest stop with a handful of strangers. As if that's not bad enough, Darby notices something suspicious in one of their cars. A pretty strong indicator that while the rest stop provides shelter, that doesn't mean it's safe.Adams strikes the perfect balance between “reading this is very stressful” and “I can't put this down.” He includes some surprising commentary about how humor and media can be (though obviously are not inherently) used to normalize and glamorize violence. He looks at how “bad guys” don't necessarily think of themselves as such, treating patterns of behavior as outliers where their hand was forced.It's hard to compare this to books or movies without risking spoilers, but if you're seeking some dark, terrifying entertainment against the backdrop of a lot of snow, pick up No Exit. And realize how good it is when you become anxious about YOUR phone battery dying before Darby can call for help.
I'm not normally a thriller type of reader and this book kept me on my toes the entire time. I really enjoyed reading this and would recommend for anyone wanting something spooky.
There were so many twists and turns; I would enjoy seeing this in movie form.