Average rating3.7
Another CoHo book I couldn't put down.
Ben and Fallon are wonderfully flawed characters and their romance is just beautiful.
At times I just wanted them to talk to each other and resolve their differences but the pay-off in the end was worth it.
And I definitely didn't see the twist coming!
I was scrolling through my read list and noticed I gave this four stars and my review was about how much I loved this book. Which is weird, because I hate this book. With a passion. I think I did love it when I read it, but as I get older and think back on it, the relationship in this book is so toxic and wrong and it was written in a way that romanticized lying and arson. Maybe I need to reread this. idk.
Omg..this was so freaking good!! Her plot twists always blow me out of the park cause I don't expect any of them
So many twists and turns! I enjoyed this one so much.
There is angst, so much pain, and it feels so real. Can't recomment it enough.
If you like Colleen Hoover you can't miss this book.
OMG this wonderful book! Colleen Hoover has yet to disappoint me with one of her novels. The plot of November 9 is unique from anything I've ever read before, with Ben and Fallon promising to meet every November 9th for five years. They have no contact with each other the rest of the year. Their story had me hooked from the first page all the way to the end. You will fall in love with Benton James Kessler and your heart will be happy and then it will hurt. There are some twists and turns, one big one in particular that I did not see coming! I highly recommend this book!!!
Also if you are a fan of Ugly Love, READ THIS!
I enjoyed the plot and concept of this book. It initially reminded me of “One Day” and funnily enough this was also mentioned in the book.
I seem to pick Colleen Hoover when I want an easy predictable enough read. I haven't read one that has been a 5⭐️ yet. However I do still enjoy her novels, a bit of a guilty pleasure. I normally pick one when I want to get lost in a book and have it finished within a few hours.
In Five Words or Less: Hopeless romance you will adore.
Plot: Fallon, once a teenage idol, is a has-been thanks to a fire her father started just two years earlier. The scars she received had not only thrown her out of celebrity status, but caused her to lose all self-esteem. Then comes Ben.
Ben, an aspiring author and self-proclaimed F up, falls infatuated with Fallon the day before she is set to move to the opposite coast. Fallon doesn't believe in falling in love until she's 23, but finds something in Ben too hard to resist. They agree to only talk/see/meet once a year on November 9.
The Good:
The Writing: This is the first Colleen Hoover book I picked up and it certainly will not be the last. She draws you in and kills you with anticipation. I did suspend some belief, but she made it easy to accept.
Glass Case of Emotion:
The bad part of listening to an audio book is when the book gets good/rough/antsy, so do I... at work. I laughed. I cried. I worried. I glared at my coworkers when they came to talk to me. The emotional roller coaster is a love/hate relationship, but it's so worth it. (My coworkers don't hate me for it...)
Forget Realism: The characters are neurotic, but some how stick to their agreement of seeing each other only once a year? Uh, yeah.. sure... This is not realistic; however, Hoover makes it easy to suspend our disbelief and I love her for it.
The Bad:
Maturity: I have a hard time believing that these characters are 18 through 23 years old. I was way cray as a teen. I was not head strong enough to jump into somebody's life and definitely not patient enough to wait for somebody I am infatuated with. I know, I know.. this is petty and the direct relationship to myself if unrealistic.. It's just that these characters have a maturity level I wouldn't expect of those their age (and that is factoring in their neurotic moments).
On second thought.. I grew up in a town that has a large amount of teen mothers. Maybe their maturity is simply atypical to us. You'll have to tell me what you think ;)
My Favorite Quotes:
After Ben's (soon to be) sister-in-law walks in on Ben and Fallon:
“I'm so sorry” someone is saying as Ben pulls me into the kitchen, “I had no idea you were home and I was looking for scissors but you are home and she's definitely not a pair of scissors.
I thought about giving this book 2 stars because I thought the ending was interesting, but I still don't think it's quite there for me.
Colleen's prose is generally weak because she pretty much names every feeling each character feels through narration instead of conveying these feelings through dialogue or descriptive action. This left me feeling bored and like I was reading a child's diary. There's also some moments where the male love interest of the book acts pretty aggressive, but the author doesn't recognize or address this which was pretty off-putting to me.
Could be a fun popcorn read for some people, but not for me.
Ended abruptly. I hated a lot of the decisions the characters made. Definitely a page turner though and I didn't see the twists coming!
It was good, although a bit corny and instalovey. I didn't feel super connected to the characters and this won't be an all time fave, but I didn't see the twist coming and went through all the emotions with Ben. His character was kind of cringey, and I didn't like how he was so demanding and touching over Fallon even though it was clear she was uncomfortable. Very weird interactions at the beginning. The ending was clever and connected all the dots with a nice circle back to the beginning. I like the way it was broken up by November 9s, it was super readable. I read this in one day, just a couple settings.
At the beginning of this book I didn’t really like this book, but as I got about a third into the book I couldn’t put it down. Great plot and I loved the details in the characters. This book definitely had some adult scenes so if someone is going to read those scenes, I suggest they are 16+ but it depends on maturity level. If someone is going to skip those scenes then anyone 12+ I think could read this book.
Where do I start? WTF did I just read...
Do I like the way CoHo writes? Yes, a lot, and every book of her has me hooked up until the end. And that's why I can't put a 1 star for this book.
I started this as an audiobook and couldn't stop listening to it. Until the plot twist, where I just wanted to scream and was exiting at the way the book was going.
And then came the second plot twist and my excitement deflated and then the ending...
I just sat there, looking at the wall, wondering why the heck I waisted 8 hours of my life.
Manipulation, lies, etc are what you are about to read and a lot of weird sexual scenes which made me feel very uncomfortable.
The ending was so disappointing, you can't just forgive a person like that. Its not possible...
2.5Read this a few days ago so I can post a review on Nov 9.So this is the 2nd book I read by [a:Colleen Hoover 5430144 Colleen Hoover https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1464032240p2/5430144.jpg] (the other one I read was verity) and I felt like this was gonna be my fav of hers but there were a few reasons why it wasn't. “One of the things I always try to remind myself is that everyone has scars,” she says. “A lot of them even worse than mine. The only difference is that mine are visible and most people's aren't.”The idea of this story was very unique and intriguing so I was very excited to read the book and I didn't expect it to finish so fast (2 sittings! That's a personal record lol)Before “November 9” was just a date that didn't mean anything, but now whenever the date comes every year I'll be reminded of this book. It is a book that leaves an impact let me tell you that.The story is told from Ben and Fallon's pov. But what's weird is that even though this is a romance book I didn't like the romance in it:( “We don't get to choose our parents, and parents don't get to choose their children. But we do get to choose how hard we're willing to work in order to make the best of what we're given.”The first 75% or so was amazing and I felt like this was gonna be a 5 star but the last few chapters with the twist (the last 2 November 9's) were what made me not like the romance in it. Instead, I loved the other relationships in the book. It taught me so much about family, parents, losses friendships, etc. I didn't find myself crying about Ben and Fallon but about the other relationships that the characters had were what made me cry. (second time I actually cried for a book, the first book I cried was for [b:Everything's Fine 22583928 Everything's Fine Janci Patterson https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png 41781931] by [a:Janci Patterson 5625942 Janci Patterson https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1630041640p2/5625942.jpg] and I have come close to crying for two other books) I am glad I read this in the night coz no one witnessed me, if I had read this during the day my brothers would have made fun. *sighBy no means is the ending bad it just makes you rethink things (and in things I mean life etc) in a whole different perspective.Ooh alsoo I read somewhere that [b:Ugly Love 17788401 Ugly Love Colleen Hoover https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1632597571l/17788401.SY75.jpg 24878172] references are made in this book(miles and Tate) so should I read that next?Overall enjoyed the book and cant wait to read more by [a:Colleen Hoover 5430144 Colleen Hoover https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1464032240p2/5430144.jpg] !Edit:The book has been on my mind a lot lately and not in a good way, coz some of the things Ben did rubbed me the wrong way. And that combined with the ‘twist' made me lower my rating to a 2.5
Leuk verhaal! Plottwist was toch anders dan ik had verwacht. Wel heel schattig hoe Ben is
I need to start ranking my Colleen Hoover books by how much eye-rolling I do in them. This one is a 4/5, or - lots of eye-rolling.
There's soooo much wrong with this book. Some other reviewers have covered stuff, but I'll share my highlights (here be SPOILERS): Right off the bat, the premise is really dumb. These two people meet and have instant chemistry but only see each other once a year? What's the point? It was just dumb.Ben coming up to her and immediately pretending to be her boyfriend was so creepy. Couldn't he have approached her first and given her a heads up that he was gonna do that?The way Ben's mom died via suicide was also very dumb. I get suicide doesn't make sense, and I was on board, until Ben found the letter. Apparently his mom had cancer but she decided to kill herself so the cancer wouldn't take her first? But didn't really care how fucked up it would make her son when he found her? What? NO. This is not believable! Also why does everyone in a Colleen Hoover book write a LONG ASS letter for everything?The whole “twist” at the end with Ben starting the fire was so infuriating. I did read a spoiler so I kinda knew what to expect, but Ben gets NO punishment whatsoever. I would have MUCH rather had Ben see the fire, but not cause it, and then wrestle with that guilt for all of these years. Then the story could have still flowed the same, Fallon could still get mad at him, but then when she forgave him and they lived happily ever after I wouldn't feel the need to RAGE.Kyle (Ben's brother) is the only sane and rational character in this series and he ends up dying. Booo!The book tries to be “meta” about “we're a romance but we're different” but the whole thing just falls really flat. (hide spoiler)
This book occasionally had its moments, but as the plot went on it just got more and more unbelievable for me. But I did finish it, so I don't know if I can give this 1 star. “50 Shades of Grey” is 1-star worthy, and I don't know if this book was quite as bad. So 2 stars it is.
Enjoyable read that captured the angst of YA relationships with a few twists thrown in for good measure.
The story of Fallon and Ben in this book is original, sweet, fun, and heartbreaking all at once. Let's take each adjective one at a time.
Original - The plot is not like any I've ever read before. The main characters meet on November 9th when one of them is moving across the country, and they make plans to meet up again for five years on that same date. The book is structured into sections based on their meetings on those days. The chapters alternate from character to character so the reader can see into the thoughts and feeling of each. I like this aspect of the book's structure. I will say, however, that the idea of them not talking all year and meeting up on just that date is a bit far-fetched. But then again, this is fiction, so it's okay for it be a bit unbelievable.
Sweet - Ben's character is so supportive and kind to Fallon, who has burn scars from an accident and low confidence as a result. He constantly tries to make her see her own beauty and worth. The characters seem to bring out the best in one another. Sometimes, the sweetness factor is a bit much, but then the author tempers it with some tragedy.
Fun - This book is definitely enjoyable to read. The witty humor and banter between Ben and Fallon is cute and makes for some light and entertaining moments. I found myself smiling a lot while reading their interactions.
Heartbreaking - Without revealing any plots twists, I will say that there are several sad moments in the book. There are a few moments of tragedy that darken the mood here and there. This is not a flaw, though. I am glad for these tragic situations because they add substance to the story. They break up the sweetness and make the story more realistic.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading the book. I would rate it 3.5 stars. It's not the best Colleen Hoover book I've read, but it's still a good read.
Ben, oh Ben, oh Ben. With all of your mistakes, no real person would still be in love with you.
This was sadly my least favorite CH book so far. Cute idea but i feel like the romance was pretty juvenile and just overall lacking. The twist definitely could have been revealed sooner to provide more... Angst/suspense/anything to the first 3/4 of the book.
Another amazing read by CoHo. I FLEW through this book! I've easily become obsessed with Colleen's writing
Ben pretends to be Fallon's boyfriend to get her out of a confrontation. They quickly connect but there are circumstances that keep them from dating. They decide to meet up every year on November 9th