Average rating3.9
Je ne suis habituellement pas fan des histoires de zombies, mais ce roman m'a bien plu. Peut-être parce qu'il nous fait suivre la non-vie de Stony, un zombie pas comme les autres, découvert bébé dans les bras de sa mère morte et qui a la particularité de grandir et de devenir adulte. Le récit m'a bien plu.
I don't know how I felt about this. There wasn't really anything that I actively disliked, but there also wasn't much that drew me in and made me care about what was happening. I did like the take on the mind/body problem (although by the end it was taken to a rather absurd extreme) and I appreciated the complexity of the world that was created with this unique take on an old troupe. But I finished this about ten minutes ago, and I've already forgotten and stopped caring about almost everything that happened.
This was, for me, quite a unique take on the zombie fiction genre. While it had a healthy dose of the blood & terror I expected, it also had a lighthearted sense of humor about itself that was really quite refreshing. Interesting musings on identity and discrimination and a setting in rural Iowa gave the book depth and value for me. I was pleasantly surprised by this novel, and I would definitely read more by this author.
Threw this into my ‘to read' pile because of the reviews, but I was a bit put off by the title... sounded like Rebbeca of Sunnybrook Farm. So I let it sit, unread. Finally download it from Audible and listened to it in the car. LOVED it! Is it a zombie story? Yes. Is it a coming of age zombie story? Yup! And Stony is an interesting character, as are the characters around him. Highly recommended!