Average rating4.1
The first 30% of the book is a bit of a challenge, being somewhat slow and without a clear direction, however once the direction becomes clear, the book shifts into high gear and doesn't let up until the conclusion.
Hopefully the second book will keep up the same pace...
OK, was heading into this with YAish trepidation. The beginning did not bid well with the main protagonist's wife having to literally instruct him as to his future political goals (From zero to hero in a few pages) but then once safely steered on to the road of “saving the UNiverse” the plot moved well with enough twists, and generally avoiding the “spelled out” moral grandstanding that these novels can sometimes become. Was easy and entertaining reading and a good commuting companion. Will be back for the sequels.
This was a great book. It started a bit YA but it kept upping the anti as it went and by the end I couldn't wait to get the second of the trilogy. As the quote on the cover says: “Ender, Katniss and now Darrow”.
If this is the worst book in the series, I can't wait to read the rest!
I read this for a book set on a different planet. It reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games as other reviewers have said. I am curious to see what happens so I may have to read the rest of the trilogy.
I almost want to rate this 4 stars. I'll see if the sequel takes it. This is a cool read with lots of action and drama.
Second time through and goddamn this book is just so artful. Hurrying to reread the rest before the new book comes outttt.
Seri Red Rising ini mengingatkanku pada begitu banyak seri, antara lain Harry Potter untuk asrama2nya, Percy Jackson untuk nama2 asramanya, The Hunger Games untuk pertarungan & kekerasan rating R untuk menjadi pemenang. Ender's Game untuk taktik & strategi, serta A Song of Ice & Fire untuk permusuhan antar klan/keluarga. Disamping rasa orisinal yang terasa menggabung-gabungkan segala seri, alur & world building seri ini cukup memikat.
Darrow seorang Merah, penambang di bawah permukaan Mars. Misinya adalah mengumpulkan elemen-elemen berharga yang kelak akan dimanfaatkan untuk menjinakkan permukaan Mars dan memungkinkan manusia hidup di sana. Kaum Merah adalah harapan terakhir umat manusia.
Itulah yang mereka yakini, sampai Darrow menyadari semua itu kebohongan besar. Mars sudah layak huni—dan sudah dihuni—selama ratusan tahun, oleh orang-orang yang menyebut diri mereka kaum Emas. Mereka adalah golongan yang menganggap Darrow dan kaumnya hanyalah budak remeh yang bisa dieksploitasi dan disingkirkan tanpa ragu.
Sdh beberapa lama menumpuk di rak, akhirnya menjamah seri ini dan ternyata aku suka sekali, langsung menuju buku 2, Golden Son.
Me gusta el desarrollo del mundo, no se porque pero se me hace un poco pesado a pesar de que me gusta todo. No demasiado amor
I have been wanting to read this book since it came out and was thrilled to win a copy through Goodreads. The worldbuilding and characters are amazing alone. With the plot it is up there with Dune and Ender's Game for a person rising up and changing their world - even if as a martyr. It is tough to be believable and even tougher to survive re-reading. This is an amazing book and I can't wait to read the next done.
Hunger Games + Lord of the Flies + too many plot twists. It was entertaining though, so I might pick up the next one.
What a bloodydamn wild ride this was!
This is not YA, but sometimes it read as YA... And that's my only negative. I'm very intrigued by the worldbuilding, and how brutal this book was sometimes ??? especially on the emotional level. It's not very often a book makes me cry, but this one... It caught me off guard, and I'm so ready for the next book of this series.
As a standalone book, this is probably 3 stars.
Weird, halting opening that sort of takes forever to get going. Pretty stilted, store-brand-hunger-games plot, and an abundance of annoying camelCasing.
But, as a setup for the next book, it's pretty decent.
I found this a thrilling and enthralling ride from start to end. It reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games but that wasn't a negative as I also loved The Hunger Games. I highly recommend this book, and am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.
Darrow was born into the red color class, the lowest of all colors. Called the pioneers of Mars their life's duty is to mine helium-3, a substance needed to terraform the surface of the planet. For hundreds of years, various clans of Reds have been mining and living a lie. The surface of Mars is complete and an entire society rests upon the pits and mines the Reds call home. The Golds, the highest in the society look down upon all colors and have allowed the lies to continue. Who better to do their dirty work than the Reds? When Darrow's wife is killed, he learns the truth of his life and promises revenge. But the Golds are superior in every way. From the implants in their brains to their reinforced bodies. And in order to infiltrate their ranks, Darrow must become a Gold. The pain he endures as his body is literally torn apart and put back together again will be nothing compared to what he must face in the Gold's academy. A place where betrayal and bloodshed go hand in hand, and through it, all Darrow must not lose himself along the way.
Red Rising is an intense book. If you're familiar with the political oppression from The Hunger Games, take it to the next level. The Reds are kept in deplorable conditions and can be killed for simply singing the wrong songs. And the worst part is the way they must die. If you are sentenced to death you hang, but on Mars, there isn't enough gravity to snap your neck. You are forced to pull your loved ones by the feet and snap their necks. Most women also have to sell themselves for food and medicine in order for their families to survive.
Make sure you have a strong stomach, or at least prepare yourself before reading this. The procedure to change Darrow from a Red to a Gold is written in detail and the cruelties that take place throughout the book may be a trigger. But none of the violence is overdone, or for shock value. It allows the reader to see who the Golds really are and just how far they are willing to go. You will come to hate them as much as Darrow by the end of the first book.
This was brilliantly written and I can't wait to see what Darrow will accomplish in the next book.
Holy crap. Okay, I've never read such a book that was so fast-paced and cohesive and well-written. I love the character development and the harsh realities of war that shouldn't happen but DO. The author is just plain AMAZING. I cannot wait to read the sequel as soon as I get my hands on it. By the way, I love Mustang and Darrow. Both are my two favorite characters! Sevro is pretty cool too :)
Dramatized audiobook and some following with ebook is how I read this.
I have mixed feelings on this book. I loved the first 20% or so until he found out the shocking news about the reds, and a little bit into his transformation. I lost most of my interest from 45% to about 90% for the test of the houses we'll call it.
The end payoff was worth it, I may give the second book a shot someday but I'm not sure.
The 3 stars is more like a 2.75 to me. It was okay, some will love some won't hard to say. The plus side is it's faster book. I'll probably continue the series as many say it gets better but I'm not jumping to it right away either.
Sometime you experience something and it changes your perspective. Red Rising changed my idea of what a good book should be. I now understand why so many people don't seem to appreciate some of the books I've enjoyed in the past. It's because they have read better, and your expectations rise. Normal does not cut it.
Red rising is powerful, poetic and captivating. I read the entire novel in a day and some change. The book is set in the future, it uses futuristic tech, but this story is about power, the human psyche and it's about humanity. Yes it's sci-fi, but it's more. Yes it's hunger games, but it's more. Yes it's game of thrones, but it's more. Despite all these things, it was wildly romantic.
This one makes it to my top 5 all time books.
Despite a concept that, while familiar in most dystopian fiction, had potential, the writing style, plot, and character development ultimately bring the story down. The first half is drawn out longer than necessary, with an interesting section right before the second act which soon transforms the book into a Hunger Games derivative. Even then, the world and characters are flat and the last two thirds of the book feel too contrived and underserved by the writing style. I've heard the next two books are better, so I'll at least try them since I do like the concept.
It was ok.
I guess this book just isn't for me (even though I would consider myself a sci-fi fan), because I did not understand the hype around it. To me it was just another generic dystopian story with forgetful characters and boring plot.
It wasn't hard to get through the book, it is an easy read. But I also didn't get invested at all with the story.
If your thinking about reading it, do it. Maybe it clicks with you, but it didn't for me.
Quick question:
Why is this book set on mars? At no point was the fact of it being another planet used to drive the story. It could just have been the same if they were dropped in an Island on earth.
Absolutely loved this book and can't wait to read the sequel!
I loved how in depth we got into this world and can't wait to see where it goes from here.
This book kept me on my toes and pulled me magnetically through the entire story. An amazing Sci-Fi novel that I felt really captured what I've been looking for lately with an in-depth character study.
Didn't expect to love this book and really glad I picked it up. A definite recommend!