Average rating3.6
That was amazing! I loved all the science stuff plus the time travel. Gwen and Gideon are quite the pair. And Gwen is a hilarious narrator and I love all the different things she does throughout the book.
While there wasn't much plot in this book, since it was all about Gwen finding out about her powers and setting up the main conflict in the series, I still really enjoyed the book.
And that was such a cruel cliffhanger both between Gwen and Gideon and the epilogue with Lucy and Paul's conversation.
I'd never stop loving these books. They're funny and so good. If you haven't read them yet, you should.
In Gwendolyns Familie wird ein Zeitreise Gen weitervererbt. Womit niemand gerechnet hat: Nicht Charlotte, die ihr Leben lang auf das zeitreisen vorbereitet wurde, hat das Gen geerbt, sondern Gwendolyn! Vollkommen unwissend muss sie nun während ihren Zeitsprüngen in der Vergangenheit zurechtkommen.
Die Autorin schafft es, die Charaktere und das Geheimnis um das zeitreisen überzeugend darzustellen, es macht Lust auf die weiteren Zeitreisen die Gwen unternehmen wird.
Da lag für mich jedoch auch der Knackpunkt: Die Reisen waren zwar interessant, aber insgesamt passiert einfach zu wenig. Rubinrot liest sich eher wie ein Anfang einer Geschichte.. die ich mir jetzt in Form von den nächsten zwei Bänden kaufen “darf”.
Nichtsdestotrotz gefällt mir Gwens Geschichte, das Buch ist ansonsten stimmig und ich bin gespannt was sie noch erleben wird.
Ein Pluspunkt ist natürlich das Cover mit dem Scherenschnittfiguren - und das obwohl ich sonst gar nicht der Rosa-Typ bin!
Oh my goodness! I loved this book. There are several classic themes, girl who doesn't know how great she is discovering hidden powers and falling in love with someone she feels is far above her, secret societies keeping secrets. But there are some new ones, time travel and family members from the past trying to influence the future. Gwen is fabulous. Lesley is amazing. Gideon is wonderful. They are all as you would expect them to be based on their roles in the story, but their voices are so authentic and believable. I will be going to the library tomororw to get book #2; Can't wait!!
I really ended up loving this book, although I found it quite predictable at some points...
It was interesting and intriguing and I loved that it was about time-travel! I love how Kerstin Gier wrote about the concept of time-travel in a way I had never thought about it before and I love how she perfectly combines history with the present. As a huge historical fiction and sci-fi fan, this book perfectly combined some of my favourite things into one book; history, secret societies and time-travel! I'm very excited to finish reading this series and can't wait to eat my hands on the next books!
24th May 2022:
Interesting idea but nothing big happens. What did make me enjoy this book was the main characters' pov. The emotional abuse of her relatives is seriously no joke though.
Final rating: 3/5
– DNF at 80% –
Back in 2009 I got this book as a birthday present in german. I began it and laid it away after two or three chapters. I wasn't captivated by it and blamed it on my reading habit back in the day (which was mainly time travelling and sci-fi). So it began to gather dust on my bookshelf until a month ago. I picked it up und began to read all over. But I didn't get far. Three quarters in now I am so frustrated with this book that I will stop it now and plan on never take it in my hands ever again. Here are the reasons why:
I can not stand the main protagonist. She behaves sometimes like a 5 year old, sometimes like 12 years old but NEVER according or near her age, which is 16 almost 17. She's naive, dumb and changes her world view every two sentences, particularly in the middle of the book where she is thinking about who she can and who she cannot trust.
The love story was predictable and very weird since Gwendolyn has no steady thoughts and changes between girly-oh-my-god-boys-are-so-cool-mode and i-am-not-interested-mode back and forth (at least up to the point where I have read).
Also the writing style was not my cup of tea. For me it's a weird mix of easy and complex words and sentences which kept my stumbling over the words although I am a native german reader. It felt quite... forced. The jokes are, in my opinion, as stupid as hell and also quite forced. Even in passages where explainations are done there are always jokes interspersed which took out the seriousness of the topic for me.
I tried to read the english translation and must say it fits the theme better than the original german version, at least in my opinion.
If you haven't read many time travelling books and do not mind having a supernaive protagonist, then this could be for you. But for me, it ends here.
J'ai adoré cette lecture, c'était extrêmement divertissant! Je dois dire que j'ai bien hâte d'en savoir plus sur les différentes intrigues, car beaucoup de morceaux de l'histoire restent non-dit! Il est certain que je me lance dans un avenir pas mal rapproché dans la lecture du 2e tome!
J'aime bien le personnage de Gwen, mais je crois que la partie de ‘histoire et les personnages qui m'intriguent le plus sont Paul et Lucy, je veux n savoir plus sur leur histoire. J'aime beaucoup le personnage de Lesey et je dois dire qu'elle réagit aux situations d'une manière très ressemblante à ce que j'aurais fait dans la vraie vie si ces choses là m'étaient arrivées! L'un des personnages qui m'intéresse le moins est le Comte. Pour ce qui est de Gideon, je ne suis pas certaine de sa sincérité lorsqu'il s'agit de ses sentiment envers Gwen. Ils se sont rencontré il y a seulement deux jours, c'est un peu trop rapide, malgré le fait qu'ils aient vécu une montagne russe d'émotion pendant ces deux jours... Je ne sais pas, selon moi ça c'est quand même fait trop vite! Enfin j'ai bien hâte de voir ce qui nous attends dans les prochains tomes! Excellente lecture!
Ingredients Needed:
- A time travel story.
- Set in England.
- Some scenes taking place in Victorian England.
- A fun (yet somewhat annoying) main character.
- A smart and cute love interest.
- A secret society of time travelers.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients and pour into pan. Bake until published. Serve to me, who will then freak out over how many elements of this book she loves.
Yeah, this book is pretty damn amazing. If you know me at all, you know I'm absolutely obsessed with time travel, the Victorian era, and England. When I figured out that this book had all of those elements, I knew that I was going to love it.
This book had its issues, especially the grammar (yes, I do know that this book was written in German and then translated to English) but I adored it nonetheless.
This was a pretty good read!
It was really entertaining and quick to get through. The novel follows Gwen through her discovery of becoming a time-traveler. The plot is fascinating even if it is a bit cliche and confusing at times. Specifically, the whole precious stones thing? Cliche and a bit of overkill. I have no idea what to make of it.
The characters are quite good and different. Each one feels unique even if some are a bit flatter than I would like. The relationships are okay but will hopefully be further developed in future books.
The pacing itself is a bit irritating. There were times when I was utterly enthralled with the story and didn't want to put the book down, yet in other times I was actually a little bored. This particularly happened when Gwen was at school. It was boring and I didn't think it was conducive to the story.
Also... what is going on with Gideon and Gwen? It's obvious they're meant to be the couple I swoon over but they seem to have no chemistry. They've known each other for two days and _____ (sorry spoiler) says that they're in love? What???
Overall it's a decent read! It's cute and enjoyable and while it wasn't anything special or fantastic, I didn't have to think too much. I'll most likely be reading the next books as well.