Average rating4.3
Alarmingly short on Wallace Wells. I am only consoled by additional Kim Pine goodness, whose scenes with Scott BLOM really handles quite well. Wow, BLOM is an awesome acronym. BLOM BLOM BLOM.
My first instinct is that it's not nearly as funny as the first two volumes in particular, but I think it bears a second reading.
Le cinquième volume d'une de mes bandes dessinées préférées, drôle et divertissante mais qui sait aussi émouvoir et parler de sujets sérieux sur un ton comique.
I read this this morning in one sitting. Volume 5 of Scott Pilgrim finds Scott getting “old” (24), and reaching awkwardly adult moments with his bandmates, his girlfriend, and her league of evil ex-boyfriends that he has to fight to win her heart. In short, it's just another Scott Pilgrim book :o)
The further I get into this series, the more I realize that Kim Pine is my favourite character in the series. She's snarky when she needs to be, emotionally mature when others require it of her, and hopelessly, madly in love with a boy that doesn't deserve her.
The only drawback of this volume, I thought, was that it was paced a little oddly - it seems to be a setup for the upcoming volume 6 as much as it is an actual novel in its own rite, but aside from that, it was a lot of fun. Definitely recommended for fans of the series.
It's difficult to explain why the Scott Pilgrim books are so good. They encompass so many interesting, unique qualities that blend together into a tapestry of epic epic-ness.
Here are a few ideas:
1. Scott Pilgrim exists in a world where the mechanics, ethos, and aura of video games (random fights with random robots, enemies exploding into heaps of coins - which may or may not be enough to cover bus fare - and other loot, etc.) are as common as breathing. And seriously, how can you dislike a guy whose band is named Sex Bob-omb?
2. Scott's paranoia, randomness, forgetfulness, and eccentricity - combined with the fact that underneath it all, he's a decent guy with the same problems as everyone else - make him an extremely likable character. The first time I saw Scott obsess over getting his hair cut - and what's more, freaking out that other people were getting haircuts before him - I was hooked.
3. At it's core, the Scott Pilgrim story is one that every guy can relate to: being utterly infatuated with a girl and knowing that you're going to have to kick some serious ass to get her. It's a story that stands the test of time.
Even if you despise comic books, graphic novels, etc., I encourage you to put aside your doubts and pick up this series. You're life will be changed for the better. 1-2-3-4!!!
The penultimate Scott Pilgrim book fell a bit flat for me. I didn't laugh aloud, and the gloominess and carping attitudes of all of the characters in question really didn't do anything to move the story forward. Nevertheless, I'm really looking forward to the 6th and final volume.