Scott Pilgrim Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

2005 • 200 pages


Average rating4.2

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Le deuxième volume d'une de mes bandes dessinées préférées, drôle et divertissante mais qui sait aussi émouvoir et parler de sujets sérieux sur un ton comique.

June 27, 2019

I've already forgotten what happens in this book. I thought the first one was moderately clever and this was more of the same

May 16, 2023

Spring 2022

July 18, 2022

I continue to like the style and concepts of this book while actively disliking all of the main characters.

October 13, 2016

It's not that I dislike this volume, I just don't like it as much as the first one, ‘cause I don't find it as funny and the battle sequence is quite lame with Lucas Lee or Luke Wilson, the Chris Evans of the comic.

December 10, 2020
March 31, 2008

Another quick, fun read in the Scott Pilgrim series. I got a little lost a few times but it didn't really detract from the story. Still a lot of fun and I'm still keen to continue the series.

April 1, 2018

i love that in the film lucas lee is this douchbag and they have a long fight with scott but in the book they just kinda chill on a wall and talk and then scott tricks him into sliding down the railing

also they put a vegan shepherd's pie recipe in this one

April 23, 2020

These are so enjoyable! :D

July 17, 2014


October 1, 2023