Average rating2.9
din păcate nu m-a prins și am abandonat-o. Probabil problema e că nu începe cu ceva military, ci mai degrabă politic, iar scriitura/dialogurile nu m-au impresionat.
I was mostly interested in the findings on Mars, that was what attracted me to the book.
While the battle scenes were exciting, they read too much like a Marines recruiting video.
I also didn't see what the Japanese scenes were for.
It also seemed unbelievable that Canada and Mexico would start a militaryconflict with the US and if they did, they wouldn't start with civilian targets.
The archeological discoveries on Mars were interesting and fun.
I have heard about most of these either on Ancient Aliens on the misnamed History Channel
or on Coast To Coast AM where everything is true.
This is a multi book series but I'm not very interested in reading the rest.