Average rating4
Sooo, I stand corrected. I was reluctant to pick up this book, not because I wasn't interested in the subject matter (quite the opposite) but because I expected to find either “the basic things comprehensive sex ed should have taught you long ago”, or a self-indulgent manifesto of goddess worship, not least due to the cringeworthy tropical fruit on the cover.
Instead, a pleasant surprise. The author managed to give a structured, anatomically correct overview over this woefully underexplored topic, and gives tangible instructions and advice in a way that respects both the giver and receiver, and feels very informative and empowering in the process. As a result, I recommend this book to any adult whose partner has the relevant body configuration, whether you have a lot to learn about this or very little. It'll make you more adventurous, and more confident, both incredibly attractive properties. And who wouldn't want that?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go have a snack.
Papaya, incidentally.
As I was telling Matt last night about the stuff I was learning from this book, he commented that this was going to be a really awkward book club (which is why I'm reading it). We'll see, haha! I suspect it will be just fine, since I've found that women are usually more open to talking about sex with each other than men seem to be.
The chapters are suuuuuper short, and Kerner combines a lot of literary references into the Elements of Style framework, but all in all I feel like this is a really informative and interesting little manual on oral sex and female anatomy, and it gave me a better framework for having conversations with my partner.