Average rating3
2.5 stars I have so much love for the first volume in the series, so of course I had high expectations going into it, but this second installment was simply not good. The story-arc is all over the place and it lacks the dept the first one has (there are barely any mentions of her ptsd). The only redeeming quality is the Jen's friendship with Hellcat and even then...the last issue was super dumb and cheesy.
I'm definitely happy as new Marvel comics can move further out from Civil War II and get back to like, other things. (Although I do appreciate seeing Jen's ongoing journey with PTSD and trauma recovery! But I'm also glad for a return to the She-Hulk blend of sass/shenanigans [feat Hellcat] and legal expertise.) Plus I LOVE that the arc revolved around a queer couple who have a baking YouTube channel.