Average rating3.7
It was okay.
I hope the story picks up in the next book but it was fun getting to know the other characters more!
wow. I really enjoyed this one! I liked the bits of Rose & Connor that we saw (can't wait for their books!!) I'm also really proud of Lily & Lo..I have so much love for them and I'm only two books in.
ricochet book review ♡
i absolutely love this series. ricochet was such a quick and easy read for me. i loved the character development from both lily and lo. you see a lot more from lily because lo isn't in the book nearly as much but lo also has some also! i also greatly enjoyed the development in lily and ryke's friendship, i really didn't like how ryke was towards lily in the beginning but i do understand where he was coming from.
daisy is well.. daisy. daring as ever and definitely wanting to stand up to her mother which i completely understand!!! i don't like her friends though, definitely annoying
as for rose and connor- i love them entirely. they seriously are perfect for each other and remind me greatly of chuck and blair (if you've seen gossip girl, please confirm or deny that you see it also)
i'm extremely excited to see what happens next with everyone!
How can it be that I loved this one more than the first one?! I can already feel my soul being split into pieces at the end of this OMG!
This book made me appreciate Lily a lot more, I loved that we followed her journey trough dealing with her addiction. Not that Lo's journey is not important but it is more known to people so I looooove how the authors chose to portrait the situation.
I cannot even believe how those two are made for each other!
Also the found family vibes were incredible.
!!! I can't even
definitely better than the first book! hopefully the series keeps improving as it goes on