Average rating4
[a:David Eagleman 2883386 David Eagleman https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1238026723p2/2883386.jpg] presents a number of possibilities for what life might be like after we die. No single scenario is more likely or more believable than any other. Instead, you choose to ponder what afterlife you might hope for, or dread. One's initial impressions might consider this a “spiritual” book because of its overwhelming mentions of God, gods, Heaven, and Hell, but overall I think the novel fits more in the science fiction or fiction category. Someone who is looking for the book to either affirm or disaffirm their own beliefs about what happens when we die would be sorely disappointed– the stories are just overall contemplative, some fun and some major bummers. My only criticism is in the format of the book. It is short in length and contains 40 “micro chapters” that are never longer than a few pages. Some of the stories feel repetitive or a rehashing of a previous theme, and others are so engaging that you wish the author would continue on, but is then stopped by his own limitation of keeping its chapter so brief. I would love to read a follow-up that expands on 5-10 of the original 40 stories. Overall, worth reading and definitely worth keeping a copy for the shelf. I look forward to coming back to a few stories over time and seeing how my feelings about them change.