The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar

1963 • 234 pages


Average rating3.9

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May 16, 2015

This isn't a ‘happy' book, but it's still a great read.

January 1, 2005

“Her thoughts were not my thoughts, nor her feelings my feelings, but we were close enough so that her thoughts and feelings seemed a wry, black image of my own.”

May 7, 2024

I wasn't as emotionally involved as I thought I would be, but the prose is so beautifully written, and Plath portrays her own experiences with mental illness so vividly and harrowingly that I can see why it's regarded as a classic

April 20, 2022

the way this took me way too long to read.....but also like 8/10 kinda was bored during some of it but also really pulled in during other parts, definitely would read it again. it was interesting how mental illness was portrayed throughout.

March 23, 2024

I really loved it. Beautifully written <3

September 29, 2011
January 4, 2024

so disappointed by all the praise for this book when it has a lot of racism in it

November 20, 2023
July 20, 2022
March 22, 2023

svannah why did you make me read this

May 22, 2024


“To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the world itself was a bad dream.”

November 19, 2022

I listened to the audiobook for this one. I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more had I been able to listen straight through. My main beef was the “chapters” were in such odd locations that it made it hard to set down and pick back up again.

July 28, 2022

meh i didnt think it was bad i just didnt get it and probably had to high of expectations going in 

February 3, 2023
January 1, 1974

racism :/

June 16, 2023

Terrifying to admit but Sylvia feels the way I do and expresses it the way I wish I could.

December 5, 2018
January 1, 2022

“The silence depressed me. It wasn't the silence of silence. It was my own silence.”


January 23, 2024

Lo que en un principio parece la descripción de una vida cómoda, se va desarrollando como la depresión de la protagonista hasta (prácticamente) la locura.

March 25, 2017
April 15, 2023



July 14, 2023

I started getting quite bored. Maybe if I was younger this would have hit me more. But I really just wanted to move on. 

January 7, 2023

perfecto la verdad, la entiendo mazo

April 10, 2024
January 15, 2016