Average rating3.8
Who doesn't love a ghost story? I honestly can't believe I haven't read this until now. I actually listened to the audio book, but it was still good. It reminded me of masterpiece mysteries.
I'd like to read the actual book version of this. It was short and enjoyable.
I loved reading this story! Who ever heard of a ghost getting depressed before?
Los dos últimos relatos “El ruiseñor y la rosa” y “El amigo leal” me han gustado especialmente. Igualmente los finales en general son un tanto extraños, no cierra la historia como me gustaría.
“Indeed, in many respects, she was quite English, and was an excellent example of the fact that we have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language.”
The Canterville Ghost is a wonderful satire about the cultural and behavioral differences between Americans and British.
I loved it! It was such a fun read! A different twist for a ghost story, that reminded me of home alone several times.
Not scary at all, it still fits perfectly the spooky season reads.
ছোটগল্প কি বলা যায়? কলেবরে বড়, সেটা ব্যাপার না, কিন্তু “শেষ হইয়াও হইল না শেষ” ব্যাপারটা নাই। গল্পটা ভালো। ভুতটা মজার। মনে হয় ভুতটা ভুত হওয়া শিখছে প্রচুর ভুতের গল্প পড়ে। অস্কারের স্বভাবসুলভ উইটি লেখা। স্পয়লার না লিখি... :P
Have you ever wondered what the ghost lurking in the corridor is thinking? Then pick up Oscar Wild's rip-roaring, hilarious tale of a ghost whose sole purpose is to send shivers down the spines of Canterville Chase. You will not find a macabre tale here. Sir Simon de Canterville is a dignified ghost. One who sets a time schedule and deploys tried-and-true scare patterns to get a rise out of its guests.
But what if the new owners do not believe in ghosts?
|| “They were evidently people on a low, material plane of existence, and quite incapable of appreciating the symbolic value of sensuous phenomena.”
Poor old Sir Simon tries everything to get a rise out of the entire family. Scraping heavy chains along the floor, moving items, and even leaving blood stains on the carpets to no avail. The family offers the ghost ‘Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator' to end the cacophony of chain sounds that echo throughout the night. This angers the ghost quite a bit. The small children add to the ghost's misery by setting up traps a-la Home Alone, such as trip wires, water buckets, and peashooters to humiliate him.
The hijinks are funny, but what about the ghosts' feelings? The Canterville ghost has not slept in over three hundred years and had lost his beloved Lady Eleanor de Canterville years prior. Does anyone offer a helping hand and conjure up some sympathy for the master of terror? Find out by checking out this fun classic.
But remember, the next time you see a ghost, try not to lash out, scream, or go running from them in haste. They have feelings too!
|| “Yes, Death. Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace. You can help me. You can open for me the portals of Death's house, for Love is always with you, and Love is stronger than Death is.”
hay q tenerle mas miedo a los vivos q a los muertos...
excelente cuento con un humor bastante ingenioso, con la comparación de qué tan superticiosos son los gringos con respecto a los ingleses y las diferentes costumbres d ambas culturas en aquella época. veo q wilde era un crítico sarcástico d las actitudes y comportamientos sociales, sobre todo de la alta sociedad
me reí un par de veces por lo absurdo que llegaba a ser, muy selfconscious al narrar los “sentimientos del fantasma”. tambien hay algo de glorificacion de la muerte, tratándola de una forma más poética y más críticas aristocráticas bien ahí oscar! muy camp d tu parte