

Utsob Roy

Joined18 days ago

Programmer, Writer, and Thought Criminal.



Location:Dhaka, Bangladesh


Utsob Roy's Books by Status

429 Books

See all
There Is No Antimemetics Division
Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World
Unruly: The Ridiculous History of England's Kings and Queens
Sea of Grass: The Conquest, Ruin, and Redemption of Nature on the American Prairie
Da Jesus Book: Hawaii Pidgin New Testament
সিনেমার আলাপ
বিক্ষোভের দিনগুলোতে প্রেম

Utsob Roy's Reading Goals


36/52 books

2024 Reading Goal

Read 52 books by . You're right on schedule! 🙌

Utsob Roy's Pinned Prompts

Featured Prompt

2,773 books

What are your favorite books of all time?

When you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...

The Lord of the Rings
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Way of Kings
Mistborn: The Final Empire

Utsob Roy's Pinned Lists


42 books


"A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us." — Franz Kafka I believe, every bit of wisdom lies behind our comfort zone. These are the books expanded my horizons of thought.

Utsob RoySupporter
La biblioteca de Babel
Between the World and Me
The scientific outlook
The Book of Disquiet: The Complete Edition

Utsob Roy's Most Popular Reviews

October 14, 2017

ওয়েল... যদি শুধু সিরিজ না দেখে মানুষজন বই পড়ত তাহলে ‘ব্র্যান-ই নাইট'স কিং' জাতীয় থিওরি বের হত না। :p

March 30, 2018
June 24, 2020

Poetic. Captivating. Rich an elegant in thoughts and the story.

April 12, 2019

Well... Perfectly Dostoyevskyesk. Deep insights of human mind and nature and all that. Enjoyed it, painfully.

March 16, 2019