Average rating4
Really a 2.5. It started off well as a police procedural, with the central character a Catholic RUC officer living in a Protestant part of Belfast at the height of the troubles. However, the last third of the book turns in to a gun blazing thriller genre, which I found far less satisfying.
After Hidden River . I had the distinct impression MCKinty could write but that Hidden River, somehow, although enjoyable and readable, not not quite tick all the boxes. Cold Cold Ground, instead was much more satisfying. I lived the Troubles through the news growing up, and this is the first book i read that took me into that historical period and I found it fascinating. Good writer, well plotted and a good historical background made for a very ejoyable novel
I knew I was in for a treat when there was an epigram by Tom Waits, though I was already primed having read [b:Dead I Well May Be 8312763 Dead I Well May Be (Michael Forsythe #1) Adrian McKinty https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1274939546l/8312763.SY75.jpg 22463]. I wasn't disappointed. This story/series takes place at the same time, the early 80's at the height of ‘The Troubles', but this time in Ireland. Our MC is Sean Duffy, a university grad & Catholic boy who has joined the police in Belfast. He wants to be part of the solution. The case zigs and zags and our Sean suffers more than a few scrapes. The author, likely due to experience, has a firm grasp of time & place and effortlessly takes the reader there.I'm super glad I chose to go with the audio as [a:Gerard Doyle 12434 Gerard Doyle https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1584953555p2/12434.jpg] brings all the flavor of the language. It only enhances the story. 10/10 recommend