Average rating3.5
This book was amazing! I loved the twists and turns through the story, and it made it to where I never wanted to put the book down!
For anyone that loves adventures or treasure hunts, along with religion, this would be a fun and exciting!
The 2nd book in the series, but the first movie to be made, The DaVinci code follows a similar line of religion vs science vs conspiracy theory as the first. In many ways I liked how many different parties there were in the conspiracy for this one, each with their own motives. The slow draw out in what could have been ended faster left me waiting a long time for the next shoe would drop.
For me, its not the plot or the subject matter. Its the action! If you dont get caught up in the “facts” in this book (it is fiction) and enjoy it then its a great read! Fast, lots of action and a real page turner.
I loved the mystery of this book. I remember my mother scoffing and saying she'd never read it because it defames the church. I laughed because it was a work of fiction and a well done, well researched piece at that. Brilliantly thought out. Nothing to get worked up over.
Un libro que sinceramente te inspira como escritor a crear algo así. Con el conocimiento que tengo, te hace creer los datos y las teorías que propone. Te mantiene enganchado por sus capítulos cortos, y si bien hay momentos que pueden parecer irreales, son coherentes a la primera lectura.
No puedo más que decir que pasé un gran momento leyéndolo.
What a lot of people fail to realise is that this book is a work of fiction. The fact that the author of the book managed to lead many readers to believe that the book is factual shows how skilled he is in weaving and braiding all the bits and pieces of rumours, lore, myths, legends, and common knowledge into a masterpiece. At times, you get so caught up in the story, it's hard to tell which bit is fact and which bit is simply a masterfully created, almost natural, link between facts.
It was a fun and fast read, but there weren't any surprises in it, as I'd heard and read about every single theory.
Also, a few things were ridiculously wrong.
Take it for what it is, a fun, not-to-be-taken-seriously read.
This was a great read! Fast paced and if I had never seen the movie it would have kept me guessing.
Romanzo avvincente che racconta una storia intrigante che prende dalle prime pagine. La capacità dell'autore di mescolare storia, arte e mistero crea un'esperienza coinvolgente e piena di di suspence. Tuttavia, per quanto mi piace lo stile dell'autore, il romanzo probabilmente poteva essere chiuso in meno pagine. Inoltre, le teorie presentate nel romanzo sono di certo controverse e non completamente supportate dalla ricerca storica (esiste una pagina Wikipedia solamente per questo), ritengo che vada letto come una bella storia di avventura .
This book is incredible! The author does a wonderful job of connecting the Bible and other mundane things of the world together. However, his description of the bible is corrupted and his information on the Knights of Templar are also inaccurate. Had they been truthful I would be more impressed.
This book was horrible! Not only was the plot ridiculous, but the pacing was horrendous. The puzzles were fun, but not enough to redeem this awful book!
Dan brown's writing style in this book is way better than his writing style in Angels and demons.
I loved it of course.
No es algo que suela leer diariamente, pero fue un alivio descansar de lo común. Mi opinión de este libro no cambia mucho de las otras: Dan Brown es un genio, sin más. El final no fue del todo convincente, no obstante no le cambiaría nada de nada. Espero leer más de él pronto.
I loved it. History, drama and a little bit of romance in the end. If I could I would love to read it again for the first time:'D
El segundo de Dan Brown en referencia a Langdon.
Se me ha hecho mucho mejor que Angeles y Demonios en el aspecto de las referencias históricas, muy entretenido en ese aspecto.
Los personajes aunque al principio son medio meh, los desarrollan muy bien hasta el final y eso es de aplaudir.
La historia en sí te atrapa bien, pero te mantiene en una línea sin mayores revelaciones o aspectos que te hagan tomarte del pelo. Se me hizo repetitiva en cierta trama casi al final y eso hizo que perdiera un poco el ritmo del mismo.
En general es u a historia para el rato y buen motivador para investigar sus fuentes.
There really isn't anything to say that hasn't already been said about The DaVinci Code. It is interesting, speculative fiction, that is written well enough to keep you turning the pages. I enjoyed it enough, but felt no need to run out and read more of the Robert Langdon novels. I imagine I will get around to them at some point, but for now, I am done.
The 2nd book in the series, but the first movie to be made, The DaVinci code follows a similar line of religion vs science vs conspiracy theory as the first. In many ways I liked how many different parties there were in the conspiracy for this one, each with their own motives. The slow draw out in what could have been ended faster left me waiting a long time for the next shoe would drop.
A reread. But frankly, I had quite forgotten the story; so it was as good as a fresh read. The writing is crisp and fast-paced with lots of symbology and iconology (real or half-real) thrown in. Snippets of ancient lore, conspiracy theories and history makes the tale very much interesting to me. I was reading the book in an anytime-I-could-fit-it-in kind of way. A mystery I loved before, encouraged me to look up so much artwork, then and now. The topic of pagan feminine goddess worship is so similar to Hinduism, esp in South India. Very intriguing.
Read this a long time ago now. Heck, it aint the greatest piece of writing, but it sure was a page turner.
So dark the con of man...
Great book. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It's fast-paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even though the discussion between Langdon and Teabing about the Holy Grail was kind of boring, it was worth it. I'm still shocked by that ending.
EDIT: Now that I'm flipping again through the pages I realize how bad the writing is. Still a great story.
Solid book. I'm glad I read it and that I finally understand the big fuzz surrounding it. I will definitely check some of the others in the series.
I loved that almost every single chapter ends in a cliffhanger, so you literally can't put it down because you wanna get to the bottom of it.
At the end it felt a little underwhelming in that things were fixed so quickly, the bad guy,(although it did provide a good plot twist) was beaten rather easily and our protagonists were finally happy. I thought it had more potential and it could've ended stronger, but the ride was super enjoyable.