Average rating4.5
It took me longer than I'd care to admit to make my way through this hefty tome, but I come away satisfied and content with the way everything is brought to a close. The Empire of Gold brings this expansive trilogy to a rousing conclusion.
The journeys of our three main characters are given plenty of time to breath, while being really well-balanced against each other. Chakraborty's writing continues to impress and it flows beautifully once again in this book. I'm excited to see what Chakraborty writes next, as this trilogy is such an impressive achievement, especially as a debut.
My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.
See this review and others at The Speculative Shelf.
Ugh, so good. I'm so sad that this series is over, but so happy to have read it. The worldbuilding is something I will hold as a high standard for fantasy for years to come.
What an ending to the trilogy! There is so much that Ali, Nahri, and Dara have to go through to get to the end. I was enthralled to see the different parts of the kingdom and the other species. There is so much history to wade through as well. I am ready to go back and read it all again. I just love being in this world.
It is worth the investment to read all three. I laughed, cried, sighed, nearly threw the book in frustration, and smiled.
I'm so happy I did not stop reading after the first book. Seeing the character development of Ali, Nahra even Dara was amazing. This trilogy was such an interesting exploration of oppression, revenge and radicalisation and I honestly can't wait to read more of what S.A Chakraborty has to offer.
Darrera novel·la de la saga de Daevabad. Excel·lent trilogia de “capa i espasa” basada en mitologia persa-islàmica. Molta acció i entreteniment. Personatges molt ben treballats i farcits de clars-obscurs. Potser el final d'aquesta és una mica ensucrats i bonista.
The plot, much like Kingdom of Copper was pretty slow, but there were lots of really good character moments. However, it did not feel like a drag building up to the climax. Many of the ‘plot twists' were shocking to the characters, but they do not leave much on an effect on the reader, largely because of Dara's POV where the author showed all the bad stuff already, so nothing tragic came as a surprise.
Yet still, three books in and I still do not understand why Nahids are seen as such a goody-two-shoes and perfect leaders, when pretty much all backstory and the current rule just always proves otherwise. In some ways even Ghassan's rule does not seem as bad as Nahids.
It was interesting to finally see other parts of the world and not just Daevabad and meet new characters and expand on some of the old ones.
This book absolutely broke my heart to million little pieces that, scattered all over, and I feel like I'm never going to get back. Absolutely amazing and now one of the best fantasy series that I've ever read.
I liked the conclusion slightly less than the rest of the series, but it was still good.
Wow, absolutely perfect. Tied for my favorite read of the year and getting added to my favorites of all time list.
This series finished off just as strong as it started. I think the payoff was ultimately worth it though I would understand if people struggled to read all 2000ish pages of the trilogy to get there. There’s also a couple pacing issues that left some really interesting storylines getting less page time than some others, but overall a really great book and a very compelling series.