Average rating3.8
I'm giving up! Despite being impressed with the first four Outlander books, I don't think I can continue. This one is boring as all get out, even though it's set in a dreamy & exciting locale - colonial North Carolina! I read about what happens in this & subsequent books in the series (lots of 18th century medicine, lots of breastfeeding, more abductions & rapes of main characters) & decided not to go on. So if anyone wants to get lunch & fill me in on everything else that happens to Claire, Jamie, Brianna, & Roger, by all means, do tell.
The weakest so far of the series. Character development went straight downhill and there was a lot more shark jumping and a lot less organized plot line than the previous books. I???ll still read the next one, though
Most of this book dragged for me. Half way through, it started improving and it finally picked up at the end but was this book a struggle for me. It made me question whether I want to continue with reading the series or just watch the show.
This was my least favorite so far, but still loved it. Love all the layers of the story and how things mentioned a couple books ago will come back to into the story. This ending resolved a lot, but there's still lots of things that will make me eager to go on to the next one. 🙂
Made it thru the first half of the book and stopped. This much and the previous book reminds me of the reality tv shows that follow a family thru their daily life; not much going on. It is interesting to see how life in the two times are different tho.
Excuse the vagueness as I try not to spoil anything specific in this book.
The most interesting things about this book are the battle at Alamance, a bear, and a snake bite. There was also a journal, and Roger gets into some fun adventures. Every other character was a bore. That's it.
Claire and Brie were strong heroines until this book, where they languish in child care for about 80% of the story. Alamance allowed a glimpse of the Claire we know and love from the first novel, and Brie gets some good hunting in, but beyond that, the situation for these capable ladies is grim.
Skip this one on your Outlander odyssey; it has about 10 different subplots that fizzle out. I miss the pacing and high stakes of the first 3 books.
“Para mí es un gozo ver cómo te tocan los años, Sassenach, pues significa que vives.”
Fue un buen momento para leerlo después de esta larga abstinencia, tanto de libros como de serie. La calificación es por los personajes, que ya los extrañaba, y es que uno termina sintiéndolos como de la familia. Como libro tal vez sería un 3, es muy largo y no pasa mucho, solo las ventajas de tener una doctora del siglo XX en el siglo XVIII.
Y este tal vez sea el libro con más diálogos de un niño de menos de 2 años que lea en mi vida.
This was a slog, like many of the other comments depicted. It couldn't hold my interest like the other books did. I will say towards the end, it got good. Roger and his Mom, the Bonnet situation, etc. But at the beginning, I considered doing cliffnotes so anyone else could get through it in my reading circle. Thankfully, I am far ahead of everyone else. Hope book six is better, for that is where I will finish for a bit.
I'm giving up on this for now. My hours remaining on Kindle is entirely too large a number and changing too slowly relative to the enjoyment I'm (not) getting... the beginning of this book is a slog and I'm bored. “A day in the life in 1770-something, with toddlers” is not my jam. Giving it a 2 because I don't HATE it, but DNF.