Average rating4.5
Absolutely the best book in the series so far. I think this is my first 5-star rating in the entire series. The characters are written so much better than Jordan ever did. This was a page-turner from beginning to end.
Branden did an excellent job jumping into this series. His writing style is a little easier on my head, but he keeps it close to Robert Jordan.
The Gathering Storm is one of my favorites in the series thus far. The plot progress very quickly, and so many story arcs come together—finally—in a very satisfying way. It was a real page-turner! I really enjoyed Egwene's storyline, and the revelations there. My impression is that Sanderson cleaned up a lot of the repetitive prose that Jordan loved. There is less elaborate descriptions of settings and clothing, for instance, and almost no crossing of one's arms under their breasts. I can finally see the events leading towards a resolution of this epic story. I'm eager to read the last two books!
This book was way more exciting than the last few books in the series. Things actually happened! The storyline actually moved forward! I'm excited to read the last two books in the series now.
Executive Summary: By comparison to the previous books, this book moves at breakneck speed. It remains one of my favorite of the series, but isn't quite as good as I remember it being. I do think that Brandon Sanderson does an excellent job and picking up where Mr. Jordan left off however. Audiobook: Another fantastic performance by both Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. They really bring these characters to life, and I can't see myself ever picking up my paperback copies again when I could listen to the audio instead. Full ReviewWhen I finally got into the Wheel of Time, this book had just come out. By the time I caught up, it was out in paperback but [b:Towers of Midnight 8253920 Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time, #13) Robert Jordan https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1358109459s/8253920.jpg 7338128] hadn't been released yet. So this is where I had to join the fans in waiting for an end. Hardly a comparison to fans who have been reading this series since the beginning.This is the book that turned me into a rabid Brandon Sanderson fan, and I proceeded to consume nearly every book he had written to this point. I feel that Mr. Jordan had finally returned to form with [b:Knife of Dreams 13888 Knife of Dreams (Wheel of Time, #11) Robert Jordan https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1397856387s/13888.jpg 987750], so it's not much of a surprise that this book moves at a much faster pace than some of the previous ones.For me the clear star of the book is Egwene. At first glance it might be easy to give Mr. Sanderson credit for making her into an awesome character, but in my opinion this book is simply the fulfillment of path Mr. Jordan setup in the last few novels of the series. Her chapters were always by far the most interesting parts, even over my those of my favorite character Mat's chapters.I remember reading a lot of criticism from fans that Mr. Sanderson didn't do a good job with Mat, and that he changed a lot from the way Mr. Jordan wrote him. During my first reading of the series I didn't agree. After a second reading however, I am inclined to agree somewhat. Mat did feel a bit off. I almost want to say a bit “goofy” compared to the previous few books. However, I still enjoyed his parts quite a lot, and I'm definitely looking forward to what I know is yet to come for him in the final two books.I don't remember being so annoyed at Rand this late in the series as I was during this reread. I think that's part of why I didn't enjoy this book quite as much as I remember. I don't put that on Mr. Sanderson however. Much like Perrin (who annoyed me even more even though his part is quite small), Rand is at a point in his story to be very unlikable. Mr. Sanderson must write the characters forward to their conclusion in a way that follows with everything that's going on.Both are dealing with a lot of baggage. I think I just have less tolerance for it than I did during my first read. Especially after how great Egwene (and to a lesser degree Nynaeve's parts) are. Overall things are finally moving towards a resolution, and even though I know what's coming I can't wait to read it all again.
Honestly, what is peak fantasy if not this? Sanderson kills it from page 1 and takes the reader on an emotional journey with a beloved core cast of characters. However, this couldn't have been achieved without Jordan's imaginative thinking, thorough planning and detailed world building. This is not wholly Sanderson's novel, but a combined attempt to satisfy fans and the world-maker's intention.
But there's no denial that Sanderson brings an increased pace, a well guided criteria of what is and isn't important to the story, and just a clear sense of purpose to every viewpoint and chapter. I found The Gathering Storm extremely difficult to put down, and am amazed that this is only the first third of payoff for this series's well-awaited conclusion. For those fans who had been reading for years, I truly hope this novel was everything you wanted and then some. Personally, I have crossed the 1 year mark of reading this series (completing about 1 book a month) and am bittersweet as I charge towards its ending.
Yes, there are moments of clunky writing and at some points the characterisation seems odd. There is one ridiculous and unfortunately accurately in-world spanking scene. But these are minor blemishes compared to the achievement that Sanderson, McDougal and the editing team were able to produce under the unfortunate circumstances of Jordan's passing. At times characters leap from nation to nation, and events occur without the narrative hesitancy we have witnessed in previous novels. This is all built off of the back of Jordan's setting development, and the strong sense of urgency in Sanderson's plotting all but hurtles us to the Wheel of Time's conclusion. Yet most importantly, Sanderson has both evolved character arcs and teed up individuals perfectly for the end. Every main character gets a moment, and a clear questioning or through-line of their development. Like earlier Jordan books, when a character ponders other events still occur around them and they themselves only provide new information to the reader. There are a few direct references to character histories, which I'm sure is beneficial for readers who read previous entries years before. I let it also pass in the massive scope of story, and because I'm hoping for payoff here. Stand-outs for this book? Egwene Al'Vere, Rand Al'Thor, Gawyn Trakand, Masema (briefly), and one more that's a spoiler...
The Gathering Storm was emotionally beautiful, astonishingly epic and still just a penultimate setup for Tarmon Gai'don, The Final Battle. I look forward to seeing everyone there, when the storm breaks.
I finally got around to capping the Wheel of Time series. Book 12 (or book 1, by Brandon Sanderson) is an awesome ride. It invokes a sense of nostalgia of all that was, and a great reminder of all that I loved about the series. What's even more commendable is that throughout the book, there are well-placed hints, reminders, and recaps of things that had happened before. I think that's a great touch.
So did the tone change? Of course it did, but I don't think that's a bad thing. For one, the pacing finally shifted out of the first gear. I've read only some of Sanderson's novels, but those that I've read, I loved them. And it's the same here. I find myself enjoying the prose and the pacing. Gone are Jordan's long-winded (but I kinda liked them, mind you) descriptions of trivial things. Events and arcs are finally moving along their intended path and you can feel the tension that the Last Battle is really looming closer.
It's hard to summarise what happens in this book as there are so many plot lines. I would say that this book is primarily centered around Rand and Egwene, separately of course. We see Rand as he continues his downward spiral into a self-induced nightmare and he struggled to come to terms with being the person meant to be both the saviour and destroyer of the world. The conclusion of this arc was immensely satisfying, as you read and felt the horror of what he's becoming, and then, a revelation - to which I found myself completely in agreement. And probably like Rand, that it was so simple, so obvious, that it was really quite tragically sad and humorous at the same time that it took so long. Loved the wrap-up to that arc, in case it wasn't obvious yet.
Rand's teenage crush, Egwene, blossomed into the role that she was meant to be, taking hold of the reins of power, and really taking charge. Her chapters, especially the latter half of the book, were all completely impressive, both her as a character, as well as the events surrounding her. Some events just seemed so convenient, yet, this book is about the Wheel weaving as it wills, so yea, it's sort of a given! The biggest twist in the entire book, or possibly the entire series, also happens in one of Egwene's later chapters - and it was a huge reveal and plot twist - the sort that just gives you goosebumps as you go, “of course, it all makes sense now!”
Of course, we also see Perrin and Mat. Perrin's arc feels like it's in wrap-up mode after his rescue of Faile, as he disappears halfway through the book. I guess we'll have to see what's in store for him in the next book. Mat is also on his way to the next big plot arc, after his separation with Tuon (and the Seanchan has a big presence in this book too). Mat feels... different. I guess each of the characters have a slightly different feel to them, which is a given, since it's a different author, but Mat felt the most different - not a whole lot, but subtly noticeable. His internal monologue reads the same, yet he feels a little less roguish, less scoundrel-ly. Not sure how to describe it; it's just feels a little off from what I remembered.
But that's all I would mention. It's a great read and a very fitting continuation of the series. Attempting to summarise what happens is just doing a disservice to the story. I'm looking forward to reading the penultimate.
5.00/5.00 “Dream on my behalf, Nynaeve. Dream for things I no longer can.”“Do not think we will ignore this insult, Corana. Vengeance will come. Once this war is done, the Seanchan will feel the storm of our arrows and the tip of our spears.”
The Gathering Storm is a miraculous achievement from Brandon Sanderson, building on Jordan's legacy, creating a Wheel of Time book that is marginally better than the best of Robert Jordan's books. However, the world and the story does not exist without Jordan, so I lay most of the praise to the late RJ. Brandon's unmatched competency in writing complex characters, mixed with Jordan's unparalleled story telling and worldbuilding makes one explosion of a book. Brandon has handled Fantasy's greatest character, Rand al'Thor with such grace, I should not be surprised at all, after reading the Stormlight Archive. This book takes a small step back from worldbuilding, making use of mostly existing worldbuilding. I hope this is not because we lost some of the ideas in RJ's mind. I hope the next two books will deliver.
This book is the beginning of the end, the last battle looms, the dark one twists the pattern. In spite of this looming doom, our champions prevail, and they hold the pattern together.
At the end of time, when the many become one, the last storm shall gather its angry winds to destroy a land already dying. And at its center, the blind man shall stand upon his own grave. There he shall see again, and weep for what has been wrought.
Emotional Impact -> Rand's character development in this book is shocking, terrifying and amazing. Egwene's victory is so satisfying to watch. That moment when she burns the Seanchan! Awesome! Amazing! My favorite WoT book so far. Even more enjoyable than the Great Hunt. Characters -> Rand Rand, the perfection. Fantasy's greatest character. The raging madness, the rampant paranoia, the PTSD all weaving together to a massive crescendo in this book! And the helplessness of the people around. The helplessness of Nynaeve, and when she finally bows to Cadsuane because, because!! there is no other way to help Rand. OMG! Duty. Duty was like a mountain. Well, Rand felt as if he was trapped between a good dozen different mountains, all moving to destroy him. Among those forces, his emotions seem to boil under pressure. Was it any wonder when they burst free? Plot -> Pure Madness, Madness I say! So much intricacy. So many things weaving together. Wheel of Time is the GOAT. That last moment when Rand questions the point of everything!Prose -> Pretty good. Not as good as book 11. Worldbuilding -> This book mostly makes use of existing worldbuilding. There are some great moments, with some really interesting reveals. But this book seems more plot and character focused than other top WoT books.
It's sad that the best of the series was written by a ghost writer. Hahahahaha.
Boek elf was een sprankeltje hoop na duizenden en duizenden bladzijden niet echt zo goede boeken. Het was ook meteen het laatste boek van Jordan: daarna was hij namelijk dood.
Het was absoluut niet gezegd dat de reeks degelijk af zou geraken, want met nog maar één boek te gaan en heelder reeksen plot points op te lossen... Kwam daar nog bij dat er een auteur moest gevonden worden met genoeg voeling voor het verhaal en de stijl, die bereid zou zijn om niet al te veel van zijn eigen in het verhaal te steken om niet al te veel af te steken tegen de oude boeken: niet simpel.
De weduwe Jordan ging voor Brandon Sanderson, die toén nog niet de fantasy-superheld was die hij nu is, en ho boy, was dat even een goede keuze.
Personages die al elf boeken lang vastgeroest zaten, kregen plots dimensie. Een verhaal dat al een eeuw niet vooruit leek te gaan, bleek in dit boek helemaal niet stil gestaan te hebben. Details die nutteloos leken vier of vijf boeken geleden, zijn ineens in een context te begrijpen.
Neen: Robert Jordan had goede ideeën, maar was niet genoeg schrijver om ze boeiend neer te pennen. En het mag duidelijk zijn: Brandon Sanderson is dat wel.
Zeer aangenaam boek om lezen. En ik ben blij dat “het laatste boek” uiteindelijk niet in één boek bleek te passen, dat ik nog een paar duizend bladzijden heb.
The Gathering Storm made me fall in love with The Wheel of Time all over again! Sanderson did an amazing job in taking it over and kept Jordans voice, while at the same time putting enough of himself in there as well.
It sadly also makes the obvious criticism of the previous books stand out even more. The Gathering Storm had way better pacing, way more emotional impact and had a constant flow moving forward.
I loved every story arc and couldn't stop rooting for every single character.
This is my favorite book, so far, and I can't wait for the last 2. Only 1900 pages to go before this journey comes to end.
There was some nervousness when it comes to finishing and/or continuing a series with a different author other than the one who created it. I wasn't too too nervous as I've heard amazing things about Sanderson. There was even some things I was hoping he could improve upon. Don't get me wrong, as Jordan created this AMAZING world that I will always love. But the last half dozen books, it felt like all his female characters had the same, catty personality. It was starting to irk me. .
Well, I had nothing to fear, because Sanderson gave me back the feeling I had when I picked up the first book. The plots were fantastic, the characters were in-depth and he didn't overwhelm me with 20 character perspectives. The world always got me excited when I picked up another book, but Sanderson really added something to Jordan's world that I hadn't seen in a while. I am ECSTATIC to see what happens in the last two books!
Things are happening!!!
I am still not loving this series, but this was the most exciting and purposeful installment of recent memory. I am actually looking forward to how things resolve over the next two books.
6 books. 5,343 pages. Skipped. Didn't google. Didn't ask a friend anything. Read entirely in secret this month and loved every minute of it. This book is straight gasoline from beginning to end. There's a part near the very end that brought tears to my eyes. Every storyline was great and I enjoyed seeing how everyone was different (but also so...the same) since book 5. This has renewed my enthusiasm for Wheel of Time and I will finish the series before perhaps going back and reading some of the previous books that people say are really good.
Ojito que se vienen cositas. El principio y el final bastante bien, la parte del medio un poco zzzz.
Pleasantly surprised, Brandon Sanderson seems to have done a good job. While some sections seem heavy on back history, it still feels like a Robert Jordan book. I have no idea how much of Memory of light had been completed before Jordan's death, but it looks as if the ending they are put together here will be good. Now I just have to be patient and wait for the other 2/3 of it to be published.
So finally we come to it. The beginning of the end. I some ways the reason for my starring this franchise. Right from the start the Final Battle Brandon lays down the gauntlet and we know that the Final Battle is approaching. As you continue reading you realise that this is no rushed end. Each storyline is followed to their conclusions and any thoughts of other storylines being waylaid are put to rest. The urgency is maintained through out and you can't help feel the journey is about to end. All the protagonist are featured to varying degrees but this but is all about Egwene and some of the highpoints of the series are on this piece. This does not mean other plots are ignored but they pale next to this thread. There still appears a long way to good and the bittersweet time is well underway. Onwards
What Brandon Sanderson did to Mat Cauthon is a sin - single handedly destroying the best character in the series - but damn if he doesn't know how to write one hell of a thrill ride.
Sanderson has done an absolutely amazing job taking the reigns from the late, great Robert Jordan. I'm pretty sure if the writing stays this good, I'll most certainly finish the series by Christmas.
Many emotional moments in this one. I worried for the safety of some characters more often than previous books.
The last official chapter was absolutely wonderful. Welcome back, boy, I've missed you