Average rating3.8
Loved the book from start to finish. The plot had me for a little while I usually guess these things. This is def a must read.
Took me two days to get through the entire audiobook, mostly because the reviews were promising me it would keep me hooked the entire time and have a bunch of twists and unexpected turns. Didn't really get that same experience as others did but it was an okay book.
Conventional Story Of Unconventional Therapist. If you enjoy slow burn-ish domestic thrillers where the front half builds the intrigue and the back half (and particularly the last 15% or so) ramp up the thriller/ action side... you're going to love this book that is 100% within that mold. If that's not your thing... this is still a solid story, but not everyone likes everything. :)
The unconventional - and unlicensed because of it - therapist really stole the show for me. Mostly because of just how realistic (yet extreme) she is portrayed. Yes, she is invasive bordering on criminal, contract or not. But dadnabbit, she gets results as much as any Detective out there and for similar reasons. Which actually arguably gets to why I liked this so much - one can almost read this tale as a police procedural, with a profiler taking center stage in the tale. The side story with Big Pharma is all too realistic, and the web of lies turns out to be far larger than anything anyone - be it our therapist or the reader themselves- could have guessed.
But maybe I'm a bit of a sucker for unconventional yet conventional. You should read this for yourself and make up your own dang mind. After you finish the book. Very much recommended.
I usually wrestle with ratings, but this was an easy 5 star. Every twist, every turn, every unexpected invisible thread connecting plots and characters was perfection.
Wow. I mean I could not put this book down once I got into it. There were so many unexpected twists and turns. Every time I thought I had something figured out, it veered the opposite way. An emotional rollercoaster and beautifully written. A must read!
I continue to wallow in my favorite genre- domestic suspense-and the other day I finished this delight. I loved this therapist-turned-consultant-because-she-lost-her-license character. The writers should consider writing other books with her as their Main Character. She's that compelling. There's a lot going on in this book and I liked all of it. The more of this genre that I read, the more I want complicated plots and characters whose pasts weave together in uncomfortable ways. I figured out a few things in this one, not early, just right on time- which is nice. The protagonist was a bit on the goody-goody two shoes side for me but otherwise this one was a solid, fun and super fast read. Highly recommend.
I usually wrestle with ratings, but this was an easy 5 star. Every twist, every turn, every unexpected invisible thread connecting plots and characters was perfection.
The mystery of the first little bit did keep me engaged, however, soon I was rushing through this book but more so to finally be done rather than wanting to know what happened. The book was so slowly paced and nothing exciting really happened until about the last 10% and I wasn't satisfied by any of the reveals. I found the story to be way too far fetched and ridiculous, even for me. I didn't like the side story of Acelia and I could have cared less about the outcome. None of the characters were redeeming and it was just boring. I would have enjoyed it more as a lifetime movie or something.
I like this one. Maybe because I read it in a few hours, but I liked the fast pace and the twist was decent. But I'm sorry, wtf was the whole sub plot about the bigpharma threat???? It was so incredibly useless and silly. If it had been left out this book would have actually been better.
They have done it again. The Wife Between Us is hands down one of my favorite thrillers. Every book that this duo comes out with I have read and enjoyed. This was no different.
The characters in this book are interesting and in my opinion, likable. However, you never really know if you're seeing the real person behind the character. And I went in prepared for this because 1. I know how this author duo rolls, and 2. I tend to always be skeptical of characters in thrillers. One of the main reasons I think I enjoyed this one so much is that I was obsessed with learning more about these characters. I had my suspicions (which turned out that I was spot on) but never knew for sure what was going on with certain characters.
Overall I devoured this book. I love the writing styler of these two. I could hate the story and still buzz through because of the writing. But in this case the story is great. In my opinion it was predictable, but I still was on the edge of my seat for the whole book. Highly recommend.
3,75 for this one. Engrossing, good and surprising twists which were not totally impossible.
This was very gripping but the problem of this book was it was very predictable...as always it's always the husband. The side plot of the story was more interesting than the main plot but on the whole I could not put this down.
Fast-paced, entertaining read. It wasn't an earth-shattering ending, but still really satisfying. Overall really good.