Average rating3.9
In this next book about the Baudelaires, the orphans try to make research to know more about VFD and other informations the Quagmire triplets gathered. But of course Count Olaf would not leave them alone.
To be honest I was a little disappointed but this book. With the end of the other I really thought that much more informations and actions were to come. But it was still enjoyable, it's easy to read or listen to and I love the characters and the writing that bring so much humour in this quite dark story. I will obviously continue.
De Baudelaires zijn op de vlucht. Ze komen Volunteers Fighting Disease tegen, een soort clini-clownsachtige organisatie. Ze worden lid en komen in een hospitaal terecht, waar ze Hal in de Library of Records van het hospitaal gaan helpen, in de hoop dat ze de echte V.F.D. zullen vinden. Ze vinden een dossier over de Baudelaires, waar alleen de dertiende bladzijde van overblijft. Shenanigans, Violet wordt gevangen genomen, Count Olaf plant een hersenoperatie op haar, Klaus en Sunny verkleden zich als Dr. Tocuna en verpleegster Flo (anagram!), slagen erin Violet te bevrijden, maar Esmée had ondertussen het archief in brand gestoken en vlucht weg met Olaf — terwijl de Baudelaires in de koffer van de auto zitten wegens enig uitweg.
Oh my!
The unfortunate events continue, this time they are hiding in a hospital and find out something hopeful, but get into a really serious trouble... and their reputation gets stained even worse.
The end was so scary I just have to continue straight ahead with the next episode!
Finally a book that's a little bit different from the others in the series and I genuinely enjoyed it. For the first time I'm quite curious to pick up the next one, since it ended on a kind of interesting cliffhanger.