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The Just Church

The Just Church

Becoming a Risk-Taking, Justice-Seeking, Disciple-Making Congregation

2012 • 286 pages


Average rating5


I would love to say that I couldn't put this book down. That would be a lie. I had to put it down regularly because it challenged me. I had to stop to think about what it said and what that meant for me in my walk as well as for my church. The phrases he uses and examples he gives will not only stick with me, but have changed the way I look at my faith, justice, my church, the Church, and God. (Yes, it really is that good.)

It may seem hard to believe that one book could affect that many areas, but it is true. The process that a church would follow to grow into an impact player in justice is clearly delineated, but not narrowly defined. I truly believe any church of any size in any location can read this book and find a way to move forward on the road to justice ministry.

Jim Martin is very realistic in his timeline and goals along the way. He does not put any unrealistic expectations into the book. He also gives great examples of what a justice ministry will look like at the end of the process. I have already recommended this book to two churches. I plan on buying a copy for my pastor to read.

Every church needs to read this!

October 5, 2012Report this review