Average rating4.1
Maybe its because I have so many other books to read but I can't get into this story at all. I could care less what happens to Petra and the flashbacks to her earlier life do nothing but interrupt the narrative for me.
Un poquito heavyhanded... maybe more than un poquito. Required Golden-Gate-level suspension of disbelief on the science, the character motivations, the sleep deprivation, the health issues that magically just go away when convenient, and, sigh, the sloppy editing.
But those are just the mutterings of a grouchy old man who enjoyed the book regardless. The story is fresh, the protagonist unique, the tension high. (Narration is first-person, so you'd think that would give me a clue about the ending... but okay, smartypants, you read it and tell me you weren't ever on edge.)
Not quite four stars, but am giving them anyway for its sweetness and charm.
Petra Peña dreams of being a storyteller. But her dreams cannot be realized. Earth is coming to an end and Petra and her family are part of a group of people who are heading out in space before Earth is destroyed.
But when Petra wakes after traveling for hundreds of years nothing is as she thought it would be. Unexpectedly, her dreams of being a storyteller may find a way of coming true after all.
Dystopia. Outer space. Folktales. All of these come together for a fascinating read.
Props to Renata for being like, “This book is extremely for you and you will love it!” As usual, she was correct!
This is a gorgeous book. The way Higuera works in Lita's stories and Petra's memories is genius. The message is important - differences are good, beautiful, and necessary! - but not done in a preachy or age-inappropriate way. It's also just a great story that I think kid readers will like? Sometimes books are beautiful and important and yet I wonder if they will become widely read. This is dystopian without despair and science fiction with spaceships but not in an alienating way.
Well done to the Newbery Committee for choosing such a wonderful winner!
yo this book went SO FUCKING HARD, gonna blow a lot of tween minds in the way that The Giver did.
This was such an interesting approach to one of my favorite tropes! It's an excellent example of why I continue to love and rave about middle grade. It's a great exploration of well-loved themes through a unique lens that shows just how versatile and thought-provoking it can be
I've never been happier I chose a book but it's gorgeous cover, only to discover that the story was even more beautiful.
It was soooo well written, providing the right level of details for the plot and world building. I'm at a loss for words. It's was just so moving, exciting, nerve racking and beautiful. Really illustrating the power of stories, how they connect us to others and to who we are.
I rarely leave reviews, but when I do it's because a book left me speechless by its beauty. I wish I could shout at others to read this book