Cover 4

The Lucid

The Lucid: Episode One

2014 • 138 pages


Average rating4


I'm so glad they didn't use the word zombies. They used the word suppressed. I like that idea much better. It seems more realistic and less gruesome. It fits this novel very well.
I also like Adam's heart. His love for his family is developed throughout the novel. It isn't just a throw away thought to show his humanity. It is his driving force. This makes him the obvious good guy. And the obvious bad guy has no family and seems to have no feelings for anyone else. He doesn't have much humanity left in him.
I like the clear cut good guy and bad guy. I like that the problem of humanity is brought down to a personal and familial level. These things set this novella apart from other “end of humanity, machines are taking over” novels I have read. I look forward to others in this series.

August 5, 2015Report this review