The Mists Of Avalon

The Mists Of Avalon


Average rating3.9


I loved this book! I found myself harboring pretty strong feelings about each and every one of the main characters (though if they were kind feelings is not quite so certain), and I was definitely wrapped up in the story. Bradley does a wonderful job writing the Arthurian legend from a new angle – the woman's angle. Never before had I seen this story the way it's presented by Bradley. Women are in power, women are strong and willful and people listen to them... until Christianity comes through and patriarchal reasoning becomes the way of the land, pushing the more feminine pagan ways into the past (and further into the mist, becoming harder and harder to reach).

It's long and it's involving, but it is worth it in every regard. There are characters you come to love, and characters you come to hate – I personally came to loathe Gwenhwyfar, and love Morgaine. I will definitely be rereading this.