The Mists Of Avalon

The Mists Of Avalon


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Couldn't finish. Read The Forest House by MZB some years ago, liked it. Was very jazzed to start this and quite frankly, it's boring. Arthurian legend is supposed to be anything but.

April 30, 2011
July 19, 2014

All the incest and underage stuff sure hits harder when you know what Bradley did.

January 7, 2023
March 9, 2019
February 25, 2013

An epic telling of the King Arthur tale from the perspective of the women surrounding him. It does get a little long at the end, but I was thoroughly engaged for the most part and really enjoyed the book.

January 15, 2013

I read this in high school or college. I loved it and all the others she wrote

June 17, 1986

This book was a “Bible” to me. I love Arthur legends and at this time I read everything that had anything to do with Arthur, and I love the witchy feminism theme in the book.


After finding out that Marion Bradley was such an unabashed pedophile I couldn't finish it. I would never judge anyone who still can enjoy this book and finds good in the work of not the woman, but I can't. 

May 9, 2022

Fabulous read!!

July 4, 2020
February 26, 2009

After being informed of child sex abuse allegations against Bradley and her husband I won't be reading any of her books. She knew and helped her husband rape boys as young as eight, along with their own children.
