Average rating3
Sooo... I read it in one sitting (actually in one go, since it was a two-way subway ride, but you catch my drift), because it kept me interested to the end, and that's something. Still, it left me with the feeling that if only the main character hadn't been such a textbook one, (issues with her own mom, not very sure about her beliefs), the book could actually make a better case for the women who may just be fine leading their own lives as they are, and being great human beings, caring, nurturing, not hating children or anything, not having family issues, just, well, fine as they are.
That is what attracted me to the book in the first place, because it is such a difficult topic - everyone has an opinion, don't they? usually about other people's lives. And as a person who has been married for 8 years and listens to the question ‘soooo, when r u having children?' one too many times, I was curious to know if it would be treated as the stereotype.
Truth be told, there are more characters in the story: Poppy, who struggles with the concept of having her own biological son versus adopting, and Anna, who most of the time seems to be having an iddylic relationship on her own instead of with her husband. Still... I finished and stared at my kindle for a while, thinking, Was that it? What did I expect? Isn't it good that it's making me think anyway? I can't comment on the ending because it is a huge spoiler, but I did feel like yelling juuuust a little bit.